Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Not Ready To Make Nice

I had a whole diatribe planned to discuss the Dixie Chicks new album. To be honest, I don't have time to be witty- even though my planned pool day finally brought the rain (or at least gray skies and some drips).
Basically, I like their new CD a lot. I was at the DC show a few years ago, right after they made their comments about being embarrassed George Bush is from Texas. They seemed a little embarrassed at the show (being in DC), and I was semi-shocked to be going to it, seeing as I voted for George W. twice, but a high school teacher once told me that an open mind is a sign of intelligence. Granted, this teacher was sleeping with several students, but the advice was good. I am always open to what other people have to say, sometimes to a fault. Yes, it is true whether you believe me or not! Plus, I still like their music, so why wouldn't I go? I already bought the ticket. And their comments weren't nearly as bad as JBJ being onstage in his pro-Dem T-shirt. I don't care how the guy is voting, and besides, I'm at a show---TO FORGET ABOUT POLITICS!
Anyway, as I recall, at my bridal shower when we played the "Newlywed Game" one of Kevin's pet peeves about me was that I listed to the Dixie Chicks way to loud. At the time, I thought they were the greatest. All girly girl power and choppy blond hair. I'd listen to them in my convertible on the way home f rom work in Delaware or Virginia Beach, wearing a tube top to try to erase my tan lines and singing "Ready to Run." But soon, those same old songs didn't apply to my life much. And as I drove around the deep south, the Chicks weren't getting much air time anyway. Except in Ohio.
I procrastinated a bit but finally bought their new CD. Then I procrastinated a bit more and finally listened to it. I love it. And since they've grown up a bit as well, the lyrics again match my place in life...especially the lullabies to their kids. And as for their not being ready to make nice, I'm glad. They are still "mad as hell" and they are right: it's too late now anyway. So they may as well stand by what they say, for as long as they believe it to be true. But if they change their minds, that's okay too. Differing opinions is what maintains balance and keeps this world moving forward.


Casey's Dad said...

1. Ohio is nowhere near the 'Deep South'

2. No one in Ohio likes the Dixie Chicks

3. I'd type more, but I have to go to Applebee's

Kimberly said...

1. I know. That part didn't flow. But it got you to comment didn't it? However, I expected the comment to be "see! that's why you guys should move to Ohio!"
2. Hmmmm...really? I guess I will unpack those moving boxes ;-)
3. Applebee's does have a good Weight Watchers menu...

How is Jenn? Home office? Cousin Casey? Say hi for me and Bailey.