Friday, July 30, 2004

Enter... the EXERSAUCER MEGA (in safri print naturally)!!!

Now mind you, he's really not supposed to be in it until he's 4 months old (still a few weeks away for those of you keeping score at home), but it seemed like a good way to continue building neck strength, and something new for him to look at.

As you may have imagined, he absolutely LOVES it!

Head is up, giggling away, figuring out the parts, and also that he can move around in it!

I think the biggest entertainment factor is that he's vertical, and no one's holding on to him... he seems to like the feeling, but I can only imagine this is going to make him really want to run soon (heck with creeping, crawling, etc...)

Monday, July 26, 2004

What a weekend... First one spent at home with nothing to do, in quite a while.  Forgot how involving it is to be at home with the little man.  Also forgot how much fun it is.

It's been mentioned many times here in the past, but to actually get to see someone, a real person, develop before your eyes.  Especially when they absolutely hang on everything you do & say.  Incredible.

3 months old...

It's strange to think about how recent it was that everyone came down for the weekend for Harry's big party... Seems like AGES ago.  Now here we are, growing out of clothes, growing out of carseats, making all sorts of great noises when you're in the room (and they're even more fun while he's in his crib with just the monitor on)...

Kim was finally able to resume her Krav Maga this weekend.  I know this is a huge thing for her, as many of you know, it was a very big part of her life before Harry's arrival, and for her to be able to get back into the ring , literally, is great!  I think if I had to sit out from Hockey for a year, I'd be going nuts (even more) by now.

She also starts her new job at MedImmune today... Hope the cube culture is ready for her!


Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Harry can roll over now! It is official as of Friday (16Jul).
He has rolled over in the past, but it seemed to be by accident.
Now he is all over the place- mostly when he is getting his diaper changed.
Next new trick: learning to wave. Stay tuned.


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Monday, July 12, 2004

So, Harry had his first real baby sitter on Sunday! Both of our mom's have watched him before, and Aidan, but this was the first person we didn't directly know. Of course, Sydney came with the highest of regards from both Tara and Aidan. Oh, and her previous employer was Laura Bush. So, we figure, good enough for the First Lady, good enough for Harry!
In all seriousness, we were told both he and Bailey did fine. I think she even referred to Harry as a "cherub". Her words, not ours, of course. Normally, we would expect nothing less, but the fact is he has been teething for the past couple of weeks. Lots of drool, lots of unsuccessful attempts to get comfortable, and, yes, a little bit of screaming. But just a little. He's a cherub, remember!
Aside from teething a bit early, he is now officially in his 6 month wardrobe. He went to daycare today in his red & white striped romper from baby Gap, given to him by Don & Carol (I've been reading too much vogue recently). It seems like just EXACTLY 1 month ago he was in his 3 month wardrobe. At this rate, I am going to need another job so he can have a whole new wardobe each month.
The most exciting news, though, is he can now pick things up. His favorite object is his Sqwish Ball from Manhatten Toys that Aidan & Josh gave him. He can lift it and roll it and even put it in his mouth, which is convenient since his mouth hurts. Poor little guy. He is a trooper though!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Well, for those of you who do not already know, I have accepted the position of Study Specialist in Oncology at Medimmune, Inc. in Gaithersburg, MD. Yes, it is a hike. No, I will not have to travel as much. It all kind of evens out.
Though I was very happy at PRA International, this new position seems to be what is best for all of us. It is a good career move for me, I will be home every evening and Harry is happy in daycare. He is a very alert little boy and we really want for him to be around other kids and be active during the day. Although, when I say this move is good for everyone, it may take Bailey some time to adjust. I realized today that I think Bailey has started to get attached to Harry. She now sleeps under his cradle (as I expected she eventually would) and when she went with me to drop him off at daycare she was very displeased that I was leaving him somewhere. (She is sound asleep now and dreaming, so I guess the stress of the situation has worn off).
Another plus to this new job, we will get our extra bedroom back since I will not need a home office. If you don't mind sleeping on a futon, give us a call!

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

It's been quite a while since I've posted, and rest assured I've been reminded of that fact regularly.

Quite a holiday weekend, and the travel that seems to typify our family certainly accompanied it.

We started off the weekend with Harry's first visit from his Aunt Meghan. She was back on the East coast for the first time in quite a while, and was able to make great overnight stop on her way to visit the Magoo's in Ocean City MD.

Then the driving began!

We headed north to visit with Kelly & Pete in South Plainfield NJ, to finally make it to their annual July 4th celebration for the first time. Met up with Kim & John as well, and met a bunch of Kelly & Pete's friends... then back on the road to head to Wildwood for a relaxing weekend with the Wiley/Decker/Reis clan.

Harry spent his first afternoon in the Jersey Shore sun. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to have inherited my complexion. Poor Dom Jr. got his hotdog stolen by the seagulls, and just couldn't take it anymore.

Headed home on Monday, and decided to take a "shortcut." Unfortunately, not such a good idea. Needless to say, 6 hours later, all of the relaxation from the weekend was suitably out the window. Mental note, don't think so much when you're on the road... it'll get you into trouble.

Overall, a wonderful weekend and a great time with everyone! Summer's a busy time, and many more jam-packed weekends to come, hopefully I can do a better job keeping everyone in the loop!