Thursday, July 08, 2004

Well, for those of you who do not already know, I have accepted the position of Study Specialist in Oncology at Medimmune, Inc. in Gaithersburg, MD. Yes, it is a hike. No, I will not have to travel as much. It all kind of evens out.
Though I was very happy at PRA International, this new position seems to be what is best for all of us. It is a good career move for me, I will be home every evening and Harry is happy in daycare. He is a very alert little boy and we really want for him to be around other kids and be active during the day. Although, when I say this move is good for everyone, it may take Bailey some time to adjust. I realized today that I think Bailey has started to get attached to Harry. She now sleeps under his cradle (as I expected she eventually would) and when she went with me to drop him off at daycare she was very displeased that I was leaving him somewhere. (She is sound asleep now and dreaming, so I guess the stress of the situation has worn off).
Another plus to this new job, we will get our extra bedroom back since I will not need a home office. If you don't mind sleeping on a futon, give us a call!

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