Tuesday, December 19, 2006


We drove to Philly on Sunday to visit friends and family. Harry got to hang out with PopPop and Aunt Toni and his best friends Dominic and Belle while Kevin and I lunched with my high school chums. Usually just Shelly and Melissa, we actually had a party of 9 this year.
It is always nice to catch up with everyone, and hopefully we will make it to Baltimore for a mid-year gathering in late Spring. I may be getting together for other events prior, including a trip to see Giselle, probably at the Academy of Music. As the case may be, I tend to see the same productions over and over. I am beginning to think it is not just by choice. It is the forces at work. The last ballet I saw was Giselle at the Kennedy Center. I mentioned to D'Lynn that this was years ago. It was, in fact, nearly 15 years ago with Leanne. And I drove! I was an adult! We were in college! And that was 15 years ago. Crazy.
Saturday I turn 33. I have hardly remembered that it was my birthday, so I hope Paul is not offended that I forgot his as well (I was reminded in time but still no gift to speak of). I think I will take us rock climbing at Sport Rock. I usually buy a gift for myself as well, or do a little something, so I think that is what it will be this year.
I started celebrating for myself when I was 16. I think my mom took her gifts back that year, so rather than be upset, I ordered myself a dozen yellow balloons. I made myself happy, and it's been a tradition ever since. Back then I would get upset if things didn't go my way. They always had when I was little, so it was hard to accept as I grew older. I eventually learned to just not expect things. I do my best. My overall goal is just to not be disappointed. It works for me. And actually, these days, mostly all I hope for is time to relax! I have so much more time to hang out with Kevin and Harry now. For the most part, I am doing what I want to be doing and I have the things that I want to have. But a trip to the movies or a day of rock climbing would be awesome...at least until I can teach Harry to climb (I so cannot wait!).

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tuesday Night. The Rules.

Mommy: Okay, I have to go upstairs now. You aren't going to sleep with me here.
Harry: You have to stay here with me in my room. That's the rules.
Mommy: Oh, really?!
Harry: (big dimples and grin)
Mommy: Good night, Harrison. See you in the morning!
Harry: (More dimples and a big yawn)

Wednesday Night. Same Thing.

Don't get me wrong. I love to cuddle with Harry, but he doesn't need me to get to sleep, and I don't want to create an obstacle that doesn't exist. Plus, I was sick and didn't want to breathe on him more than I had to. I escaped by saying I would come back to check on him at regular intervals. During one such occasion, Harry wanted me to sing a song. I tried his Top 5 favorites but he didn't like any and cut me off with "My no like that song" each time I got 3 words out. Actually, more like 2 1/2 words. So, I decided to tell a story orally. The grand tradition of oral story-telling. Well, I figured Good Night, Moon would get shot down. The only other option I had was, gasp, "Twas the Night Before Christmas." This appealed to the tike and at the end of each line, with big eyes, he asked "Then whah happened?" or "whah happened next?"

Yes, Virginia, I guess there is going to have to be a Santa Claus. My entire family has accepted that we were not going to bring Santa into Harry's life (or they at least play along, and Santa still goes to PopPop's house) but I was blind-sided by our well-meaning neighbor asking a million and one questions TO Harry regarding whether he'd sent letters to Santa, or emails, or when he was expecting he would show up, or whether we'd made a visit....Ugh! I quickly and hopefully subtly added that "Santa goes to PopPop's house" since, well, "We are never home on Christmas anyway." You know what? I think I give up. Maybe it is the Christmas songs that have been playing in my car for teh past two weeks. Or the cute little tree that I just saw, that is just slightly taller than Harry. That's not to hard to set up. And I just recently learned that all trees die. I did not know this. I KNOW MANY THINGS BUT THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!!! Jews get trees. I think we might too. Just be happy about it, okay! But no one is sitting on Santa's lap. And just to add a little variety we may refer to him as the "Jolly Old Elf." (Don't worry, I am sure that won't last long either.)

So, Harry didn't have any answers about Santa, but he did tell Trey that he was going to Uncle Kris's for Christmas. He said he would see Casey. He also said he would see the babies. He also told Trey that PopPop was coming to his house and bringing his swingset and his blue car. Then, before running off, he told Trey to be careful with his outside lights because they were hot.