Friday, December 03, 2004

Guess who comes to you when you call him?????
That's right! Harrison!
He crawls across the floor now when you call his name!
Well, when I say crawl, I mean, he uses one arm, with the other tucked under, to pull himself while his legs lay flat but his feet push off---you know, commando style. He's been doing it, but has never crawled to us before! It is so exciting! he is pretty quick, too! He even crawled over to give Bailey a kiss! (Very cute, but scary for all three of us when he is that close to her face. Bailey seems to know we will kill her if he pokes her in the eye and she snaps at him. She seems more panicked then we are. These interactions are CLOSELY supervised!)

Tonight he also pooped in the potty for the second time. He got that look on his face while in the tub (I think you are all familiar with it), so Kevin sat him on the toilet and he used it like a big boy. He's just so advanced :-) Hope this is not too much information for ya!

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