Saturday, December 04, 2004

Today in Harry's World...

Harry attended the Scottish Christmas Walk in Alexandria, VA. While technically this was his first parade, we explained that it would be similar to the MC Marathon, except the people would be moving by more slowly. Also, some would be in costume, similar to the Rennaisance Festival. His response was to go to sleep. Bagpipes didn't wake him. Barking Deerhounds didn't wake him. THE MUSKETS FIRING DID NOT MAKE HIM FLINCH! Amazing!

From the parade we moved on to Gymboree. You may recall, we mentioned Harry crawls towards his direction of choice now. Well, we got him to crawl through the 8 foot, rainbow tunnel! Kevin put him in one end, and he crawled right towards me at the other end. It is amazing to see all of the new things he can do!

The crawling continued at home. He crawls to the loose leaves Bailey tracks in, and crunches them in his hand. He crawls towards his toys. And he crawls over to all of the cabinets to open them. So, if you don't hear from us for a while, it is because we are baby proofing!

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