Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What's New?

I am still working on my blog about Pooh, as well as one on the other end of the spectrum about fairy tale classics. While reading Little Red Riding Hood tonight, I was all set for Granny to jump out of the closet and kick some ass. But no. The Woodsman shows up to save them. Where's the girl power? And what was Red doing listening to a strange voice in the woods? I don't like the message here. I also don't think Jack was a very good boy when he stole teh Golden Goose, or the depiction of little blond girls in Goldilocks. More on this later.

In the meantime...

Guess who is toddle-ing?? HARRY! He takes lots of steps. And the best part about his Frankenstein like walking: he does his monster growls while doing it! Very entertaining!

He can also get himself onto his picnic table. It is cool to see him swing his legs around once he climbs up. He also now spins his sippy cup around so that he drinks it from the correct side. I am just amazed by all of this! It's so cool!

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