Thursday, August 31, 2006

4 weeks in/4 weeks out

Today is the 4 week anniversary of when Harry got his cast off. The doctor said that it would take him as long as he was in the cast to be out of it and return to himself again. Well, he has stopped walking. He is back to only running. And it has gotten a lot harder to convince him not to jump until Dr. Wimberly (aka Noah Wyle) says it is okay. His next check up is in 2 weeks.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Not Ready To Make Nice

I had a whole diatribe planned to discuss the Dixie Chicks new album. To be honest, I don't have time to be witty- even though my planned pool day finally brought the rain (or at least gray skies and some drips).
Basically, I like their new CD a lot. I was at the DC show a few years ago, right after they made their comments about being embarrassed George Bush is from Texas. They seemed a little embarrassed at the show (being in DC), and I was semi-shocked to be going to it, seeing as I voted for George W. twice, but a high school teacher once told me that an open mind is a sign of intelligence. Granted, this teacher was sleeping with several students, but the advice was good. I am always open to what other people have to say, sometimes to a fault. Yes, it is true whether you believe me or not! Plus, I still like their music, so why wouldn't I go? I already bought the ticket. And their comments weren't nearly as bad as JBJ being onstage in his pro-Dem T-shirt. I don't care how the guy is voting, and besides, I'm at a show---TO FORGET ABOUT POLITICS!
Anyway, as I recall, at my bridal shower when we played the "Newlywed Game" one of Kevin's pet peeves about me was that I listed to the Dixie Chicks way to loud. At the time, I thought they were the greatest. All girly girl power and choppy blond hair. I'd listen to them in my convertible on the way home f rom work in Delaware or Virginia Beach, wearing a tube top to try to erase my tan lines and singing "Ready to Run." But soon, those same old songs didn't apply to my life much. And as I drove around the deep south, the Chicks weren't getting much air time anyway. Except in Ohio.
I procrastinated a bit but finally bought their new CD. Then I procrastinated a bit more and finally listened to it. I love it. And since they've grown up a bit as well, the lyrics again match my place in life...especially the lullabies to their kids. And as for their not being ready to make nice, I'm glad. They are still "mad as hell" and they are right: it's too late now anyway. So they may as well stand by what they say, for as long as they believe it to be true. But if they change their minds, that's okay too. Differing opinions is what maintains balance and keeps this world moving forward.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Sand Immersion Therapy

1st, let me start by saying, kids are so predicatable.*** Human behavior in general, is, I suppose. At least, when you stand back and observe it is. And I stand back and observe Harry a lot. "Watching me , Mommy?" Of course!
Kevin mentioned in a previous post that Harry has an aversion to sand. As does his father. Over Memorial Day his love of the ocean won out, but 1 day out of his cast in OBX, the ocean didn't have the same appeal...and the sand had NONE.
Me, I LOVE the sand. I love the beach. And since my husband is not the biggest fan, I need a beach buddy. You would think a little boy would be all over digging holes and building "beach castles," but my little guy thinks it's "dirty."
My new mantra has become "It's not dirt, it's sand." Look, this shiny new truck I bought for you LOVES the sand. Let's pour everything from your sandbox onto the picnic table and make some roads. Let's strip you down, turn on the hose, dump buckets of sand on the patio and make some houses. Yes, with windows and doors.
Fast forward to last Friday: Harry sits on the patio in a pile of sand shoveling dirt onto his feet and building roads.
Fast forward to yesterday: Harry rolls around in sandbox requesting I put the lid on over him (I did. He giggled).
5 day countdown to Cape May! I'll keep you posted...and will try to get Kevin to post some pics of the sand crab.
***Still working out a plan to get broccoli into his belly.

Friday, August 25, 2006


Nothing makes you feel old like cleaning out a medicine cabinet. What do you mean Bailey's ear drops expired 6 years ago. She's only, like, 5 years old! Or Kevin's face lotion that expired in 1997. Kev- I threw it away. They probably don't even make that kind anymore. Or those Benadryl that I must have purchased in high school. Why would those be expired?
Time certainly flies, doesn't it? Usually I deal pretty well, but the drug, I'm old! But not as old as Bailey. She's, like, 64!

P.S. Stay tuned for my essay on why I respect the Dixie Chicks.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well, I realize I have not written a single blurb in quite some time. It was hard with little cast man on my lap. And then when the cast was off, it was even more difficult. Harry is back at Menike's now, and almost good as new. I have a little more time on my hands.
I have been officially unemployed since August 9...but I better move fast if I want to have some pool time with Harry and clean the house. I start a new job September 18. Thanks to a former colleague, I quickly attained a position with Novartis in NEUROSCIENCE!!! The job involves primarily local travel and will largely involve psychiatric studies. On paper, at least, it is a perfect fit and exactly what I was looking for...without actually looking that hard. I am going to have to find some way to balance out this good luck!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Kim finally got a chance to go out with friends tonight...

As she was leaving, Harry and I were outside, adn he was very quick to point out to both of us...

"me no crying!"

Later on in the evening, during his pre-bedtie wind-down session at the Thomas table, he very matter-of-factly proclaimed...

"me happy 'gain... me all down wif min cast... me happy 'gain"

talk about warm fuzzies.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's been almost 2 weeks now since Harry had his cast removed -- I know… no new pictures up yet, but trust me, there are about 300 of them just from the last week or so, and getting back from vacation, and now dealing with a little boy who thinks he's running again -- you get the picture…

Regardless, Harry is most certainly BACK.

Not only that, but while his body was casted up and being held hostage by a few pounds of Gore-Tex, cotton batting, and a veneer of Fiberglass, his brain was very obviously in maximum overdrive. The vocabulary, recognition, and thought process he's going through now on a regular basis gets to be so overwhelming lately that often times he's having trouble getting the words out because he's thinking too fast.

You may be aware that we spent last week on a very nice (and VERY timely) vacation on the Outer Banks of NC sponsored by Patty & Les with guest appearances by Aunt Meghan and Uncle-to-be Ian, and the Drexel Hill McDermott contingent.

Aunt Meghan and Uncle-to-be Ian are well on their way to being one of those disgustingly "happy" couples. They do their own thing, and do everyone's thing. While Meghan travels the world in the name of education & free trips, Ian travels the world in the name of the Kayak (with incredible video evidence to prove it!!)… they both certainly have their sights set high, and there's no reason to think they won't achieve far more. Best of luck to you both, we're very much looking forward to sharing the big day!

Patty & Les were on the tail end of an extended east coast beach swing, but seemed to have a very relaxing time on their own enjoying the Outer Banks, and who knows, potentially looking to invest in some real estate there?

And as for Harry… he had a BLAST!

From surf-fishing from his puppy chair on the sand, to belly-laughing in the sea-foam, to Mickey in the Morning, to hiding in his house with Meghan & Kim… he was certainly all laughs. Although the pictures aren't up yet (yes I know… they're coming), he did do some progressive "rehab" re-learning how to crawl, creep, scooch, climb up, and eventually walk with assistance.

Since being back, he's been indoctrinated into the "as-yet-unnamed-fraternity-of-freak-bodily-injuries" by Uncle Lynchie, which garnered him, among other things, with a new soccer ball which he's now kicking around the house… unaided.

What better for his first week of recovery than to be able to spend solid quality time with friends & family.

Thanks again to all who have inundated us with more positive thoughts, energy, and spirit than we can possibly repay. It has served us all very well!

Monday, August 14, 2006

well... we're back.

more importantly, so is Harry.

we'll certainly have more of an update to come, but for now let's just say it was a very interesting week, on many fronts. Not the least of which included Harry's literally being "back on his own 2 feet" and his triumphant return to society...

PS --- Happy Birthday Tyler!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Brief update:

"The machine (that takes teh cast off) was very loud, but it was quick. He pretty much started crying as soon as they put the hospital bracelet on him (which we were able to immediately slide off). He cried through the X-rays. He cried on the cast room bed but then they brought him a puzzle. Then they started cutting and he screamed bloody murder until he fell asleep.
His leg looks puffy but not too bad. He has a little rash on his belly and some dry skin. There is no brace. He is really favoring it, but he can sit up, his other leg seems okay, he was splashing all over in the tub, and he even tried walking twice and would have kept going, even though it was struggle for him. He's been a trouper. The walking was teh most amazing thing I have ever seen him do. It looked painful and difficult but he just pushed through. I like to think it says something about his character.
I am very glad the cast is off!!!"
It's Off!!! Woo-hoo!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Harry goes to the doctor tomorrow. He might get his cast off. He is ready at this point. "No doctor!" and "I broke my leg" have been transformed to "Go (to) doctor?" and "Doctor fix my leg."