Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's been almost 2 weeks now since Harry had his cast removed -- I know… no new pictures up yet, but trust me, there are about 300 of them just from the last week or so, and getting back from vacation, and now dealing with a little boy who thinks he's running again -- you get the picture…

Regardless, Harry is most certainly BACK.

Not only that, but while his body was casted up and being held hostage by a few pounds of Gore-Tex, cotton batting, and a veneer of Fiberglass, his brain was very obviously in maximum overdrive. The vocabulary, recognition, and thought process he's going through now on a regular basis gets to be so overwhelming lately that often times he's having trouble getting the words out because he's thinking too fast.

You may be aware that we spent last week on a very nice (and VERY timely) vacation on the Outer Banks of NC sponsored by Patty & Les with guest appearances by Aunt Meghan and Uncle-to-be Ian, and the Drexel Hill McDermott contingent.

Aunt Meghan and Uncle-to-be Ian are well on their way to being one of those disgustingly "happy" couples. They do their own thing, and do everyone's thing. While Meghan travels the world in the name of education & free trips, Ian travels the world in the name of the Kayak (with incredible video evidence to prove it!!)… they both certainly have their sights set high, and there's no reason to think they won't achieve far more. Best of luck to you both, we're very much looking forward to sharing the big day!

Patty & Les were on the tail end of an extended east coast beach swing, but seemed to have a very relaxing time on their own enjoying the Outer Banks, and who knows, potentially looking to invest in some real estate there?

And as for Harry… he had a BLAST!

From surf-fishing from his puppy chair on the sand, to belly-laughing in the sea-foam, to Mickey in the Morning, to hiding in his house with Meghan & Kim… he was certainly all laughs. Although the pictures aren't up yet (yes I know… they're coming), he did do some progressive "rehab" re-learning how to crawl, creep, scooch, climb up, and eventually walk with assistance.

Since being back, he's been indoctrinated into the "as-yet-unnamed-fraternity-of-freak-bodily-injuries" by Uncle Lynchie, which garnered him, among other things, with a new soccer ball which he's now kicking around the house… unaided.

What better for his first week of recovery than to be able to spend solid quality time with friends & family.

Thanks again to all who have inundated us with more positive thoughts, energy, and spirit than we can possibly repay. It has served us all very well!

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