Saturday, September 23, 2006

Beyond Please and Thank You

I think the parents rolled their eyes in unison last week when we learned today would be Good Manners Day at The Little Gym. The 18-30 month olds are called Beasts for a reason! Other groups have names like Birdies, Good Friends, etc. but the 2 year olds are Beasts. Well, they must have all been planning to prove us wrong, because everyone in the class cooperated today- even Harrison!
Even though Harry knows his first and last name, he was quiet as a frowning mouse when asked what it was at the start of class, but he did do everything that was suggested after that...from putting bells away a second before it was asked, to group run and forward rolls and basket hangs and hoola hoops to actually sitting by himself in the circle and clapping along and singing with the group! It was amazing and well worth every penny we have spent on 3 semesters of classes!
Could be the balanced breakfast he started his day with: oatmeal, banana and OJ. Harry even had 3 granola bars after class...and drank water! The kid even crunched on some peppers at dinner (no TV if no dinner...and we are sticking to it!) and he has been putting his things away and taking care of Bailey when asked (for the promise of a $1 weekly allowance...he knows what money is now so we are going to humor ourselves and try to teach him its value).
Oh, and he asked twice today to use the potty! He has got to be up to something...

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