Monday, October 02, 2006

No O-Pops

Kevin and I have been a little bit concerned that everyone has left Menike's to go to preschool! These days, it's just Harry and Hunter. Hunter turned 1 in late August. He is not walking yet, but he is trying, and he was doing a great job of stealing Harry's soccer ball today!
It may sound backwards to some of you, but Kevin and I LIKED that Harry got to spend the day with 3 older kids. I personally think it has increased his vocabulary and helped to make him more mature. He is cooperative at times, and follows directions and knows what is expected of him at certain times of the day. Plus, he LOVES playing with other kids. He likes running, and imaginative play, and dancing and singing and playing music. Other people choose to have a nanny for their kids, and yeah, that would be easier, but I think going to Menike's each day, and meeting different people and having activity around him has been better for Harry.
Now that Menike has a hand for each kid, she seems to be taking more outings. Normally this would concern me. I think I am over that a bit. Kevin has seen the kids walking down the street and says they seem orderly. Menike walks them down the street or to the park. At least twice they have gone to the bank. Harry likes it because he gets lollipops...normally. Today they were out, but the manager promised he would have more tomorrow. Luckily, I had two in my purse, one for Harry and one for PopPopJohnny (Menike's husband. Harry calls him PopPop. He has more PopPops than I can count.) They also went to the library and read books. Yaaaay! So, as Kevin expected, Menike anticipated Harry's need for entertainment and has planned accordingly. Renee is coming to visit on Thursday and Friday. And Renee's sister, or "My sister" as Harry calls her, starts next week. She's a baby. Curious to see how this works. Mostly, curious to see if Harry will accept Hunter as a big kid now. Hunter has always been the baby. Hmmm....

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