Monday, August 30, 2004

A lot of people ask us whether Harry is sleeping through the night. The fact is, he has slept well at night almost from the start. Just luck I guess, or Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. AT this point, he goes to sleep usually by 8, wakes up around 4, and goes back to sleep until we wake him up for "school." The fact that he is sleeping from 8-4 (and has his last bottle slightly before bedtime) may also have a bit to do with his age, the new rice cereal he has been eating, or maybe the new chamomile and lavender bath soap. Or that he sleeps on his tummy now, which I find scary. The SIDS Alliance can give Michael Moore a run for his money when it comes to propaganda. But, since our rooms are so close together (literally, two feet), I can usually hear him making sounds, grunting, kicking the toys in his crib and making the toy dogs bark. This morning I spent a half hour listening to him "singing" from 4:30-5. It was pretty sweet actually. I do have a feeling, though, that once this guy starts talking he's never going to stop!

He has also found both of his feet. They are just the most amazing toy ever. I try to mix things up a bit by putting bright socks on him, or his little mouse rattles. He has also found his hands. They seem to be even more fascinating then his feet. Ever see a cat on catnip? Same thing.

I still have not bothered to learn how to upload the photos from our camera, but I will have Kevin post some of the new cereal shots and the "Roll like a ball/Seal" poses (for you Pilates fans out there!).

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

As you can see from the photo, Harry turned 4 months old on Sunday!
He had 4 shots at the doctor's on Monday (DTaP, HIB, IPOL and HBV),
he weighed in at 18# 7oz (which I think was 93rd percentile) and is 24 1/2 inches tall (45%).
Obvioulsy his weight is a bit beyond his height, but the doctor is not worried. He is eating appropriately for his age. I stand by the fact that he is just a muscular, solid kid already. He holds his head well, and can hold himself in a standing position for a few minutes. Speaking of eating, he gets to start rice cereal today. I am sure we will have plenty of photos to post! Within the next month, he will get to start fruits and veggies. That should make for more exciting diaper changes!

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

For a little guy, Harry takes up a lot of room. When the 4 of us travel, it is no easy task. Now that he is in his bigger car seat, it will not even be possible for the 4 of us to travel together. Well, I guess Bailey could share the front seat with someone....
Harry's seat takes up my whole back seat, and Bailey forgets she can't step on him, so she cannot sit in the back. We used to let her sit up front, and I would sit with Harry.
We usually do not drive far with Kevin's car, since it is older than all of us. But, it does have space. VWs, not so much.
So, we need a bigger car. We'd prefer German engineering. We'd also like to not use a lot of gas, and still be able to find parking in the city. We'd like to access the car seat easily. I'd love a whole row for Bailey. Oh, and we need room for the stroller, possibly the jogger, pack and play, luggage, Bailey's bed, a case of water, dry cleaning, a bike rack...And not spend too much money. Oh, and no mini vans, please.
Any suggestions?
If we can get a hybrid, we can use the HOV lanes, for now, even if Harry is not in the car...
Speaking of HOV lanes, I used to feel guilty for counting Harry as my second person. AFter being stuck in traffic with a kid in a rear facing car seat, I now realize they were designed specifically for babies!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

And so it goes...

For those of you who haven't heard already, I've officially tendered my resignation with the Washington Capitals after spending just over eight years with the organization. I'll be moving on to become a Systems Administrator under contract to AT&T Government Solutions.

I'd like to thank everyone from Washington Sports & Entertainment, DC Arena Limited Partnership & MCI Center, and especially the Capitals for the amazing opportunities I've been afforded during my varied employment. Some of you have since moved on to bigger & better things, and now it's my turn to leave the nest.

Professionally, I'd like to point out: John Nash and Tara Greco for granting the internship with the Bullets that got me in the door... to Susan O'Malley for giving me a job, even after bearing witness to some embarrassing intern/mascot antics (some people will do ANYTHING to get a job)... to Gordon Armstrong and Ed Thompson for teaching me just about everything I know about computers & networks... to Ann Nicolaides for allowing me to be on her payroll long enough to find out that while I'm not cut out for Marketing, I can still contribute... to George Parr and Michelle Trostle for bringing me back on board to the Capitals Organization after the sale...

It's been an amazing time... my first full year was the first season the Bullets had been to the playoffs in longer than anyone had cared to remember. We got swept by the Bulls, but the energy was intense. Year two was marked by the Caps first-ever trip to the Stanley Cup finals. The NBA Draft, the NBA All-Star game, several NCAA tournaments... Almost too much fun. It doesn't seem like as much of a job when you're surrounded by that kind of excitement and the people who go along with it.

Thanks to my family and friends for putting up with my schedule... more times than I care to count, I'd have to return home early from Thanksgiving Dinner for a game, or work New Year's Eve and/or New Year's Day, but the time has come to move on. I remember thinking as a kid, "...What's it like to have to work on Christmas day?" when we'd watch the Lakers & Celtics play after opening gifts all morning. Who knew that I'd become that guy?

And so, by the end of the month, I will no longer be an employee of professional sports. For the first time in my career, I will have something that vaguely resembles a 40-hour work week...

now that's odd.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Twilight is a special time for many people, but to kids, it is magical. The sky takes on a purple hue, golden light seeps from windows, fireflies glitter in the darkness. In summer, the quiet warmth wraps you like a blanket as the crickets lull you to sleep. It is like Disney World just before closing time.

Last night, twilight worked its magic on Harry. He's still having his teething issues, along with congestion and even a scary nose bleed. But, a short walk around the block and a few versus of twinkle twinkle little star and all was well again. The little guy literally had his eyes wider than I had ever seen them, and his mouth open as he looked all around him. Who knows what he actually saw of it all. Maybe the black leaves from the trees against the darkening backdrop, maybe the sounds of sprinklers or the music of neighbors quietly talking.

To Harry, I think it really was a bit like Disney World, complete with Tinker Bell to calm him, for all I know.

Friday, August 06, 2004

I realize we have not blogged in a while, but I have been at a loss for things to say. We all seem to be in a rhythm.

Last week was Kris & Jenn's wedding. We had a great time, everyone looked beautiful, and Harry finally got to meet his girlfriend Mackenzie, an older woman. We are looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend.

Kevin has been busy with the Caps, and with the MCI Center parking garage in an attempt to get his damaged car repaired.

I am finishing up my second week at MedImmune Oncology, a company that moves at warp speed. All the more reason to keep going to yoga at the very least once per week. I'm also going to cut back on my coffee. I went for a ride at Seneca Creek State Park today and was reminded by 4 beautiful young deer that I needed to slow down.

Bailey's life is a bit too slow. She is bored. She is not used to being home alone all day, especially after all of the activity we've had in recent months. Hopefully we can alleviate some of her angst this weekend, and maybe get her out for a swim or a hike.

And, the man you have all been waiting to hear about, Harrison. He is as happy as ever. It is always so sweet to see his smiling face every morning. He still has fun in his exersaucer. He is also still having a blast rolling over. He sleeps in so many different positions in his crib. Kevin is not a huge fan of when his appendages hang through the grates though. I think it is cute. It's not as if it is his head. Harry also likes to roll around in the tub. Of course, this usually means a face full of suds and water. As with most things, he shakes it off and goes about his business of relaxing in the tub. I am convinced we need to play some classical music for him, dim the lights, add some candles...I think this must stem from those days when he still used the bath hammock. He's all about lounging in the tub!