Monday, August 30, 2004

A lot of people ask us whether Harry is sleeping through the night. The fact is, he has slept well at night almost from the start. Just luck I guess, or Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. AT this point, he goes to sleep usually by 8, wakes up around 4, and goes back to sleep until we wake him up for "school." The fact that he is sleeping from 8-4 (and has his last bottle slightly before bedtime) may also have a bit to do with his age, the new rice cereal he has been eating, or maybe the new chamomile and lavender bath soap. Or that he sleeps on his tummy now, which I find scary. The SIDS Alliance can give Michael Moore a run for his money when it comes to propaganda. But, since our rooms are so close together (literally, two feet), I can usually hear him making sounds, grunting, kicking the toys in his crib and making the toy dogs bark. This morning I spent a half hour listening to him "singing" from 4:30-5. It was pretty sweet actually. I do have a feeling, though, that once this guy starts talking he's never going to stop!

He has also found both of his feet. They are just the most amazing toy ever. I try to mix things up a bit by putting bright socks on him, or his little mouse rattles. He has also found his hands. They seem to be even more fascinating then his feet. Ever see a cat on catnip? Same thing.

I still have not bothered to learn how to upload the photos from our camera, but I will have Kevin post some of the new cereal shots and the "Roll like a ball/Seal" poses (for you Pilates fans out there!).

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