Friday, August 06, 2004

I realize we have not blogged in a while, but I have been at a loss for things to say. We all seem to be in a rhythm.

Last week was Kris & Jenn's wedding. We had a great time, everyone looked beautiful, and Harry finally got to meet his girlfriend Mackenzie, an older woman. We are looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend.

Kevin has been busy with the Caps, and with the MCI Center parking garage in an attempt to get his damaged car repaired.

I am finishing up my second week at MedImmune Oncology, a company that moves at warp speed. All the more reason to keep going to yoga at the very least once per week. I'm also going to cut back on my coffee. I went for a ride at Seneca Creek State Park today and was reminded by 4 beautiful young deer that I needed to slow down.

Bailey's life is a bit too slow. She is bored. She is not used to being home alone all day, especially after all of the activity we've had in recent months. Hopefully we can alleviate some of her angst this weekend, and maybe get her out for a swim or a hike.

And, the man you have all been waiting to hear about, Harrison. He is as happy as ever. It is always so sweet to see his smiling face every morning. He still has fun in his exersaucer. He is also still having a blast rolling over. He sleeps in so many different positions in his crib. Kevin is not a huge fan of when his appendages hang through the grates though. I think it is cute. It's not as if it is his head. Harry also likes to roll around in the tub. Of course, this usually means a face full of suds and water. As with most things, he shakes it off and goes about his business of relaxing in the tub. I am convinced we need to play some classical music for him, dim the lights, add some candles...I think this must stem from those days when he still used the bath hammock. He's all about lounging in the tub!

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