Thursday, October 21, 2004


I was going to wait until Friday to blog, after Harry’s 6 month check up, to post his vitals, but he was so cute this morning!
He is really in control of his body now.
I have had “the flu” for a couple of days and have been trying to avoid him (very painful). Instead of breathing germs on him while Kevin was in the shower this morning, I plopped him in his portable highchair and put it up on the bed in front of the TV so he could watch Baby Galileo. He literally watched it on the edge of his seat. Why is this impressive, you ask? Well, I know you are all aware how much he loves his Baby Einstein DVDs, but I said literally on the edge of his seat. His high chair reclines, but he used his little muskles to hold himself upright the whole time. It was so cute. He is such a little person.
It is so hard to believe he is already six months old! Yet, when you look at him, it is hard to believe he is only six months! His cousins are over a year old and both are smaller than him. Some friends of ours are concerned that their baby is 22 pounds at 7 months (even though he is their third child, and the first was the biggest) but I am guessing Harry is 22 or 23 pounds. He has definitely gotten taller too. Length-wise he fits in 18 month jeans. And he is doing so much lately. Menike calls it “monkey see monkey do” (my little monkey!) but he wants to be just like Sid, his friend at daycare, who is about16 months old. Sid can walk now and Harry is just enthralled by everything he does. Apparently Sid is the coolest. But, I have to admit, it is super cool to see Harry, Sid and Susanna all sitting in a circle singing songs and playing piano. Harry insists that Menike clap the whole time. He is very insistent.
Harry is also very fond of life size Elmo and the airplane swing at Menike’s. The boy definitely has his likes and dislikes…though it is mostly the things he likes that he is insistent upon. His only dislikes so far seem to be sweet things. He would much rather have peas than apples, squash than bananas…certainly does not take after his dear old dad, or anyone in my family other than myself. He also does not like sitting still. He likes to move at all times. Oh, and now that he has learned the international signal for “pick me up” (you know, arms raised) we no longer have an excuse to pretend that is not what he wants. Things are about to get busy! But, as long as it burns off those last ten pounds, I am all for it!

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