Sunday, October 31, 2004

Harry had quite a weekend...

Well, let's back up a bit. Originally, this weekend was to have been another first, but a first for Kim & I. We had planned to go on a little getaway of our own for the Halloween weekend at an estate called Allenberry just outside of Harrisburg, PA. Harry and Bailey were going to spend the weekend with Becky in NJ. However, at something vaguely resembling the last minute, I wimped out. I'm just not ready to leave the boy for the entire weekend at someone else's house without one of us with him.

So instead, the four of us, yes including Bailey, got to spend a nice family weekend together at home and around DC.

We all took a nice ride in the new ride up the GW Parkway to Great Falls, MD. On the way, we decided to swing through Glen Echo Park. That was a bit of a weird diversion... The Park is actually an old amusement park from the early 1900s that really doesn't look like it's that much different from when it closed in 1968, which is odd, as it's held & controlled by the National Park Service... You'd think it'd be in better shape.

So, not much of a hike, which is what Harry & Bailey were up for, so on we headed to Great Falls to hit the C&O Canal Towpath... Harry's first Nature Outing. He was enamored with the crunching of the leaves underfoot, all of the bikers cruising by, and mirrored water. He was quite a hit with many of the other hikers, and seemed to have a blast. Completely tuckered out, he slept most of the way home.

Sunday, Halloween, Harry got himself dressed up in his new Monkey Suit, and we headed downtown for the Marine Corps Marathon. Kim had a few friends running, and it turned out to be a really gorgeous day (better for spectating than for running IMHO). We literally bumped into Tara while at the race, so we got to hang with her for a bit, and found out that I actually knew someone running as well, and was even lucky enough to pick her out of the crowd around Mile 20.

Back in the car for a spin down to Kris & Jenn's for Harry's first tricks & treats... For his trick, he showed everyone how easy it was NOT to eat his banana (a difficult trick for a monkey to pull off) and his treat was an Eeyore with dancing ears!

All this action without a nap, and coupled with the end of Daylight Savings made for an early bedtime tonight.

A wonderful weekend of firsts, including this, my first post in quite some time. Needless to say, I've been catching plenty from all sides on my lack of submissions. It's funny, with the new job and limited hours, I thought I'd have all of this extra time on my hands to do so much more with. I've got to say, I really don't know what I would have done if I was still with the Caps and the NHL wasn't locked out... Would've made for some loooooooong nights.

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