Tuesday, November 02, 2004

As usual, Harry is as cute as can be. He now giggles when you tickle him under his armpits. He giggles so much that I literally fell on the floor laughing the first time I heard it. I think he does it on purpose. He has that goofy, hoarse little giggle. I can not emphasize enough how funny it is.
He is also able to hold his cookies, his sippy cup, and most of his toys with two hands. Apparently this is a big baby milestone, but I do not remember why. He is now able to pass things from one hand to the other.
He has been sitting up for a while now, which I read last night in one magazine should not happen until 8 months. I think that was the only place I saw that though. Maybe it is by 8 months…In any case, while he is sitting up, he can lift his head now to actually drink from his sippy cup. He can hold his bottle up now and then too, but gradually he lowers it until he cannot drink anything out of it. Must be heavy.
He still only crawls on his belly, but yesterday he lifted his butt up and propelled himself forward to reach some toys. He is super focused on walking. It is all he wants to do. He likes to hold onto our hands with both of his (he prefers two hands) and will walk all over the house, up and down the driveway...He squeals and starts to pull himself up when he is not walking.
As Kevin already noted, Harry had lots of other firsts this weekend too. He was introduced to rocks (for his later rock climbing adventures). He was not impressed with the rocks, but we will keep working on this. He took his first metro ride. He was also unimpressed by this. He likes to play things cool. For example, when he falls alseep in his car seat, he likes to pretend he was not sleeping ("What? I'm awake!"). Hopefully this is not practice fro falling asleep in class or in meetings.

First marathon was also this weekend. He got a few high fives for the monkey suit. Perhaps 20 years from now he can run teh marathon himself dressed as a monkey. He will blend in well with Kermit, Captain America, all of the Superman... He can be a local celebrity like the running Kermit, who runs every year in a full Kermit suit, including felt head. I don't know how the guy breathes!
Finally, this was also Harry's first Halloween. He did not make it for the official trick or treating, but made out quite nicely with his dentist friendly treats: Eeyore & banana (Wagners), $5 cash (Wileys) and some previous treats of Halloween socks (Kim & John) and a pumpkin bib (Grandmom)---and also three cards from the Wileys, K&J and Aunt Anna & Uncle Bryan. He love shis treats and says thank you to everyone!

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