Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Time to play Single Dad again...

Kim's back on the road today, off on another trip to the lovely wintry city of Boston to deal with all of her new friends at Mass General.

I get the little guy all to myself!

This should be interesting for a couple of reasons. Lately, he's gotten a bit clingy, mostly to Kim. Understandable... As has been noted in previous posts, she's the one getting him ready in the morning, and picking him up from Daycare in the afternoon, which usually follows into his evening meal (thanks to the lovely DC Traffic). Most of the time I see him, it's driving the bus to daycare in the morning, literally the middle of the night, or in the tub and on the way to bed.

So now, he gets ME. Just me. Well, me and Bailey. Which brings us to point of interest number 2... As Magoo so eloquently puts it, "The Hound." Bailey's got some issues of her own to deal with lately. Not that she's acting out or anything, and rest assured, she and Harry seem to get along very well (note: he's started dropping real food from his highchair). It's with Kim and me that she's not doing so well with.

Now that the food has begun to drop, and it is apparent to her that food on the floor has become (like it ever wasn't?) hers and hers alone. However, with the speed and deadly accuracy that she's suddenly become aware of, you'd think there were 15 other dogs competing for that very Cheerio?!?!

Okay, so she's a dog, and she's getting food off the floor... Not so big a deal right? But now she's decided that WE are supposed to drop food for her from our plates too. And if we don't, well why wouldn't we? So she sits, incredibly anxious, to that point that she gets the shakes from the adrenaline of waiting to pounce on that 1 grain of rice that's sure to drop from the Chinese food.

So the viscous circle begins. Bailey drives us nuts, which drives Harry Bonkers, which makes Bailey skiddish and whiney, which makes us nuts... Ah the joy of it.

But I digress... Kim's back on the road, and Harry and I get some quality time.

He's had quite a month. Travelling all over the last few weekends, and a trooper throughout. Just about finished battling his first cold (how does such a little nose produce so much snot?), and gearing up for his first ShrimpFest (well, first outside the womb), and I can see him now being infatuated with all of the wrapping papaer - he LOVES crinkly crunchy paper-type stuff!

My apologies for going so long between posts, but as I'm sure any parent can attest to, the time & mental capacity has become re-assigned now that more energy, attention & concentration is required.

Official congratulations are in order to a few folks:

Stephanie Boyer and Joe McWilliams on the birth of their daughter Emma Grace on 10/30/2004...

Charlene and Amir Barnes on their recently announced pregnancy (2nd child) due right around Harry's birthday...

Cooper Lemieux Wagner for making his first (hopefully of many) successful trip East from Ohio for the 2004 Turkey Day weekend...

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