Sunday, May 01, 2005

Now that Harry's 1...

He can feed himself with a spoon...well,almost!
He doesn't get a bottle/formula anymore...usually.
He carries his own bag to school- his new backpack!
His car seat can face forward- legally.
He has a bike (that we steer).
He can climb out of the pool (and the tub, and his sand box...)

Harry had his 1 year check up on the 25th. He weighed in at 24# 10 oz. I think he is 29 1/2 inches. Does that sound right? I lost the paper from the doctor's. I copied it to send to daycare, but then I don't know what happened to the original. I probably mailed it to a site. I remember, though, that his head is in the 90 percentile. Surprising that is all, since his bike helmut is well beyond toddler-sized.

The doctor says he is within normal weight limits, although someone in the elevator called him chunky. Next time someone says that, I think I will return their compliment with the same response. My husband still harbors the stigma of being a "fat kid," and I have yet to encounter any photographic evidence supporting this. Harry is strong and active and eats small portions of healthy foods. I would rather he look like a beer-league soccer player than a sickly freak.

Harry has at least one molar in. I think his teeth started to bother him again. Accurate diagnosis was complicated by the fact that he got his measles and varicella (chicken pox) vaccinations 5 days before his fever developed. He had a cranky Saturday---well, he tried to play through it. He moaned the whole time he played legos (mega blocks from Billy & Kayla) but he tried to smile. Today he made it to swim class, and enjoyed his bike rides, even though I think he was actually asleep with his eyes closed.

We tried to get him to sleep in the car on the way to Hertz car rental (I'm driving to Raleigh tomorrow). That worked for 10 minutes, but we stopped at Sports Authority so Kevin could get a Lacrosse helmut and he woke up. I hung out with him in the car for a while, and I was able to get him to laugh, but I have to admit in his exhausted state, he somehow looked and sounded a whole lot like Jack Nicholson (think "Here's Johnny!").

The rest of today he spent happily putting animal crackers in and out of a cup, and then doing the same with clovers and blades of grass. He was able to eat a cup of yogurt, and then wash off teh sunscreen in the tub. He was in bed by 6:00 PM. He stopped talking around 6:45 PM.

I hate Monday trips. After a weekend with Harry, I go through withdrawal just at the thought of leaving him overnight. I need to not schedule any more Monday trips.


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