Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Susan Sarandon: Political Jesus Fish?

I was at my site in Toledo today discussing what a dull movie Brokeback Mountain is. I suggested An Unfinished Life has equally pretty scenary and better acting, though I did not necessarily mean Jennifer Lopez (who I do like but do not view as a great actress). My coordinator stated that Lopez was fabulous in Shall We Dance. "It's a good movie, even if Susan Sarandon is in it." I don't like Susan Sarandon. "Me neither." Hmmm...this seemed like code.
Are we free to speak republican? Is their a bigger and more annoying liberal activist than Sarandon? Liberal is great but annoying is, well, annoying.
Sure, there are pictures of W hanging on the wall, but I figured there was a strong possibility that it could be a joke. In the crowds that I associate with it is very likely that the W pic could function as a dart board! Plus, it's not polite to talk politics. Another thing, it sometiems seems as though a good majority of W supporters, myself excluded, are religious zealots or otherwise crazy freaks! Having a picture of the president on your wall and not working at the DOD could likely stick a person in the crazy category, and if the person I depend on to fax me updates and take care of patients is crazy, I don't think I want to know.
So, I didn't ask who she voted for. She's in the pharmaceutical business too, and the industry is dependant on republicans at the moment. Research funding is important. Without funding there will be no more new life saving medicines. That is a far longer story. I digress.
My point was just that mentioning like or dislike for Sarandon seemed to be the equivalent of sketching a line or two in the sand. A much less "disgusting" way of figuring out who is on what side before making any comments on current events.

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