Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some fun anecdotes over the last few days...

This past Saturday night was Harry's first extended foray into an evening hockey game at Verizon Center where got to see the opening night pomp and circumstance that is Washington Capitals Hockey (Thanks Tamar for pumping up the volume louder than necessary). Although the advertised moon-bounce seemed like a good idea and selling point, the DC101 tent kept Harry's hand firmly planted over his ears throughout. Trooper that he was, made it through the opener, the dark arena, the loud music, the player intro's & subsequent crowd roaring, and was then completely entranced by the game itself. Somehow I managed to cover his ears when the horns sounded at Alexander Semin's 1st goal of 3 that night, without even spilling anyone's drink... a moment I was dreading, but somehow overcame. Net effect was, he had a blast and actually made it through to the first intermission, the debacle that was the parking garage when trying to get out early, and even stayed awake for the 9th street tunnel. Harry loves tunnels.

Harry and I spent Columbus Day visiting the lands of my youth with pop-pop Magoo. We started off at the new home of the PHBA, which Harry quickly warmed to (pun intended, it was much hotter than I expected when we arrived in PA) once he was offered a cookie by the Rad Man. The new space offered a great running-around room, and many doors to promptly close himself behind (thankfully none actually DID lock on him). We then took a spin through the Unionville countryside, or what's left of it, and collectively pointed out as many horsies and cows that we could find... However no sheep or piggies on this trip. Point of note that when we finally spotted a bull, Harry promptly noted "Benny!" which lead to an immediate explanation to Mr Magoo of the extended cast of Dora The Explorer. A healthy romp in the park, a long tricycle ride ride around West Chester interrupted only by a stop at New Haven Pizzeria, a thorough search of Dean Street looking for "My Meghan," only to conk out for good on the way back to drop Magoo at PHBA Headquarters (he didn't want to wake little man, so he snuk out of the car). He's such a good sleeper.

Back to school on Tuesday, but as may or may not have been mentioned, over the course of the last month or 2, 3 of the 4 kids at daycare have gone off to pre-school, leaving Harry as the lone big-kid with only baby Hunter to impart his ways upon, at least until Hunny's infant sister begins her tenure. I picked him up Tuesday, only to be greeted with a pronounced scowl and subsequent pout for the better part of the ride home (can't image where he got that lower-lip from). When pressed, he finally ceded "my miss my friends." Kid's got a big heart.

Today however, was much better. At pickup time, he was all smiles and extremely chatty. We discussed the events of the previous few days, and came up with the following summations:

Did you have fun today bud?

(big smile)

So yes, you had fun today?

My have fun at hockey games...

You liked the hockey game?

(HUGE smile)

Did you have fun at Magoo's?

My have fun at hockey games...

My like poppop m'goo.. my give me cookie. he go home.

Did you like the cookie?

YEAH! white cookie.

What did you see when we were up there?

Horsies... 'n' cows. no piggies sheep. no my Meghan.

So tonight, he's in the tub and playing with his new bar of soap (compliments of some hotel). He's a bit distraught as the previous bar was a leftover from the last Disney trip, and had been engraved with Mickey's face. This one was smooth, but he decided that he was going to draw Mickey on himself with his fingernail. Pretty resourceful I thought, but somewhere along the line, he changed his drawing.

Who's that bud? (assuming to get 'Mickey' as the answer)

My drawing mommy... and daddy... and ME!


and uncle Kris!

Uncle Kris is on your soap?


That's very cool bud, I'll be sure to let him know... you should thank him for the hockey tickets next time you talk to him.

My have fun hockey game...

That's when I get to have the big smile again.


Kimberly said...

And AT that hockey game, Kevin's own goalie skills came into play. Those quick reflexes covered Harry's ears before the puck was even in the net! I kid you not!

Casey's Dad said...

Thats True! Unfortunately thats what Kevin does when he's playing hockey himself...covers his ears before the puck is even in the net...try stopping it next time!!!