Sunday, November 26, 2006

Reflections... Looking back on another holiday weekend, as things really set in for the mayhem that becomes and continues to be, Christmastime.

This year was particularly quieter than it seems to have been in years' past. We did the annual trek to South Jersey and back on Turkey Day. This year, we brought with us happy news of the healthy arrival of the Wagner Twins (see photo below), instead of Kim's special recipe Cranberry Sauce (please note, that contrary to popular belief and request, her version most certainly does NOT include the ring impressions from the inside of the can).

We made it up in record time for the third Thursday, and without event. Harry was elated to see everyone at each of his stops, regardless of the fact he had seen most if not all of them just 2 weeks prior for Dom'nic's birthday bowling bash. Only 3 stops in total (4 if you count going back to pick up Bailey), and we were home again that evening with time to spare for ourselves.

I still think the quote of the trip was:

"... Harry please don't hit Bailey with your potato."

Quality time spent together for he remainder of the weekend; a jaunt to Ikea for some new shelving to get the new playroom together, a sunny afternoon hike on a new trail that'd been under our noses this entire time, and even story time at the bookstore with Lance.

Reflections of a different sort this evening. We're in the process of migrating the home computer from an old Dell PC o a new shiny iMac. One of the greater tasks and intended uses will be compiling the multimedia efforts that are doing so well documenting Harry's existence... and by default our own.

Imported the photos from the year so far, and it's amazing. When they get pulled in, they each flash up on the screen for abut a half a second each, in something vaguely representing chronological order. It's increadible to see this pass in front of you so quickly. In the course of about 15 minutes, I vividly was able to re-live his year so far.

I had this happen once before, when I pulled my own pictures from the recesses of the Dell, which at that point had been comprised of the 2 laptops worth of photos accumulated while still with the Capitals, and anything else I had come up with at home over the last 4 years. That was one thing. Those weren't really that important... lots of hockey & BMW pictures culled from the web... but interesting nonetheless.

These were important. These were the memories, however fresh, that even for a fleeting second, were right at the front of the brain. I could immediately recall waht was going on in the background when I took that picture, where I was standing when Kim did, or what I was likely doing while she was out with the camera.

Things that seem so long ago, like swimming lessons at the Rec Center. Things that seem like they lasted forever, like Harry's cast, that went flashing by in a matter of a minute or so. These are the things from my own childhood that I can't for the life of me recall.

Kim's always been on me for not being able to remember anything about being a kid in my family. I don't really know why I don't recall as much as she does, because we do have pictures to prove that I indeed was once a kid... it's just that the peripheral memory has never been there, so to have it thrust upon you, even if it's only images of the last 11+ months, it's an incredible feeling.

It'll be even more interesting when I get some time to load the previous years' pics...

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"oneuhponatime" in: "oneuhponatime there was daddy bear, mama bear and baby bear."
Translation: "Once upon a time there was a papa bear, a mama bear, and a baby bear."

Harry reads to us now. I am so proud! He hasn't memorized the words, and he isn't reading the letters, but, more important, he tells a story based on each page...and each page is a new story that begins "oneuhponatime."

When it came to Goldilocks he remembered her name, he knew the bears made "oatmeal, " went outside, "Oh, no!" Goldilocks breaks the chair, etc..."The End." He even stopped to ask what I thought would happen next. "What happen next?" Shoulders shrugged, one palm in the air.

In Curious George and the Rocket Ship he noted the "Spaceship" and commented that George received a letter...he even counted "5-4-3-2-Blast Off!"
Yes, this is a proud moment indeed.
One more reason I am glad I'm not flying anymore.
And the kid was 22 months old. That is more 2 than 1.
Fine, nurse in public. Whatever.
But if you are unhappy with the way an establishment handles your public exposure, is it fair to the rest of us to have a couple of dozen boobs thrown in our faces? Why not boycott the establishments instead? No one wants screaming kids in Starbucks anyway.

Monday, November 20, 2006


I took Harry for is flu shot on Saturday. He didn't want to go to the doctor. He wanted a different doctor, one that wouldn't look at his leg or make him lay down.
I told him he would see a nurse and I could hold him. He said that was okay. However, wouldn't you know he got jabbed in his "bad" leg. He told the nurse "My leg hurts" and then he told me "My can't walk no more." Physically, he could walk just fine. And I am sure his leg did hurt. But he convinced himself that he broke his leg again. He was very distraught on the way home, and once he got there only played with his "broken leg toys" which included puzzles and a keyboard. He stayed in one spot on the floor, even when Noah came over to play. He even begged Noah to get his Mimo since he couldn't move. "Please. PLEASE get my Mimo. PLEASE." Sigh. I wanted to cry myself.
Luckily, with the help of some pizza and Noah playing with his toys, he started running around and giggling. Thanks to the Coltons for fixing Harry's leg!

As for the PTSD is upsetting. Especially for me, since Harry won't let me wear anything remotely resembling a lab coat, no matter how cold I am!

Friday, November 17, 2006


I left the house today at 8:30 with eyeliner, stockings, a skirt and heels on. Polished ones!
Meeting for work you ask? Nope! Meeting for preschool! I pulled out all of the stops, and was almost ready to offer a $2000 bribe for a playground shade. (Harry's money of course). I wasn't sure if it would get us in, or if we'd be black balled. It's a fine line.
It is not that we are just crazy and obsessive...every preschool around here has a wait list! And to find one that offers before and after care, allows diapers, and doesn't teach kids about Santa is harder than getting into Yale. But, we have been on the list at this school for a while. They THINK we will get in by August or September. Cross your fingers!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sam I Am

Harry has made friends with a new Ty stuffed dog that has been in his collection since before he was born. He is a super soft brown and white beagle looking dog that Harry has named Sam. "This is my friend Sam." Sam joined us for dinner and story time, but even though Sam was hungry, Harry ate is cookies. Sam is cuddled up next to him right now.

Oh, and as for the pronunciation of Sam, it ain't Jesse Jackson's version. He sounds a bit more like John Houseman, explaining how Smith Barney made money the old fasioned way.

This is pretty much the first toy Harry has named. Baby was Ernie for a while, but so was everyone at that point! Maybe Harry will also provide us with a name for his sister, who, unbeknownst to me, is arriving shortly.

Monday, November 06, 2006

He's a music man

Yes, Kevin finally posted!!!!
Just kidding...I meant to give an update on the success of the big boy bed. Somehow I actually managed to wake up at 5:30 today and I was downstairs when Harry awoke an hour later. I heard a tiny little "help me" and was relieved to hear that, since he didn't make a peep all night. I went in and he was all smiles, sitting on the end of the bed with his guys.
Mommy: How was the big boy bed, Harry? How did you sleep.
Harry (in typical fashion): Good. My do play-doh now.
Now, if only potty training will prove as easy!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's been a while since I've posted much, which is not to say there hasn't been anything going on, or worth mentioning. On the contrary, things have been so busy the last few weeks, that getting something down in writing has unfortunately been far from the top of the agenda.

Harry's been very much 2 lately. s you may have heard, 3 of the other kids at daycare left for pre-school in a 3 or 4 week period recently, so now it's him and an infant. great for plenty of one-on-one attention all day, but as we were discussing today, it seems like this has gotten him nothing but his way, with no need really to share, wait his turn, or anything that remotely resembles a need to have manners. This has obviously carried over to everyday life at home, or it likely wouldn't have come up.

The fact that we can safely say that I'm at least as stubborn as he is, makes for some interesting "discussions" about when and which jacket needs to be worn, as the weather is beginning
to turn... you get the idea.

However, then there are those moments that really show how much his brain is growing and absorbing... my vocalized frustrations with assembling his new big-boy bed from IKEA today were immediately met with him running in from 2 rooms away...

"wha' sa matter daddy... my come and help... my help you."

While he certainly seems to be able to throw his version of a meltdown/tantrum on a whim, he also seems to be able to rationalize certain things when he feels like it. Kim was gone for more training for the new job this past week, and every day that I showed up to pick him up from daycare at the end of the day, I could hear him shouting a little louder that "My mommy's here!!!" from the other side of the door, only to be a little less diisappointed each time that it was still only me. Fully expecting the tears to flow and the uncontrollable wails to begin, it was reassuring that he was dealing with it all in his own way.

Of course, the screams of excitement when we made the clubhouse turn on Friday afternoon, and Kim's work car was back in its rightful spot in the driveway didn't come close to those that filled the house when he saw her inside!

So tonight's Harry's first night in his twin bed. Luckily (depending on how you look at it), he hadn't napped at all for the whole weekend, and had done quite a bit, so he was exhausted. At this moment, he's been fast asleep in essentially the same spot. It'll be even more interesting to see what happens when he wakes up tomorrow... if he calls us from bed (over the monitor) or comes to the stairs...