Monday, November 20, 2006


I took Harry for is flu shot on Saturday. He didn't want to go to the doctor. He wanted a different doctor, one that wouldn't look at his leg or make him lay down.
I told him he would see a nurse and I could hold him. He said that was okay. However, wouldn't you know he got jabbed in his "bad" leg. He told the nurse "My leg hurts" and then he told me "My can't walk no more." Physically, he could walk just fine. And I am sure his leg did hurt. But he convinced himself that he broke his leg again. He was very distraught on the way home, and once he got there only played with his "broken leg toys" which included puzzles and a keyboard. He stayed in one spot on the floor, even when Noah came over to play. He even begged Noah to get his Mimo since he couldn't move. "Please. PLEASE get my Mimo. PLEASE." Sigh. I wanted to cry myself.
Luckily, with the help of some pizza and Noah playing with his toys, he started running around and giggling. Thanks to the Coltons for fixing Harry's leg!

As for the PTSD is upsetting. Especially for me, since Harry won't let me wear anything remotely resembling a lab coat, no matter how cold I am!

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