Friday, November 17, 2006


I left the house today at 8:30 with eyeliner, stockings, a skirt and heels on. Polished ones!
Meeting for work you ask? Nope! Meeting for preschool! I pulled out all of the stops, and was almost ready to offer a $2000 bribe for a playground shade. (Harry's money of course). I wasn't sure if it would get us in, or if we'd be black balled. It's a fine line.
It is not that we are just crazy and obsessive...every preschool around here has a wait list! And to find one that offers before and after care, allows diapers, and doesn't teach kids about Santa is harder than getting into Yale. But, we have been on the list at this school for a while. They THINK we will get in by August or September. Cross your fingers!

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