Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's been a while since I've posted much, which is not to say there hasn't been anything going on, or worth mentioning. On the contrary, things have been so busy the last few weeks, that getting something down in writing has unfortunately been far from the top of the agenda.

Harry's been very much 2 lately. s you may have heard, 3 of the other kids at daycare left for pre-school in a 3 or 4 week period recently, so now it's him and an infant. great for plenty of one-on-one attention all day, but as we were discussing today, it seems like this has gotten him nothing but his way, with no need really to share, wait his turn, or anything that remotely resembles a need to have manners. This has obviously carried over to everyday life at home, or it likely wouldn't have come up.

The fact that we can safely say that I'm at least as stubborn as he is, makes for some interesting "discussions" about when and which jacket needs to be worn, as the weather is beginning
to turn... you get the idea.

However, then there are those moments that really show how much his brain is growing and absorbing... my vocalized frustrations with assembling his new big-boy bed from IKEA today were immediately met with him running in from 2 rooms away...

"wha' sa matter daddy... my come and help... my help you."

While he certainly seems to be able to throw his version of a meltdown/tantrum on a whim, he also seems to be able to rationalize certain things when he feels like it. Kim was gone for more training for the new job this past week, and every day that I showed up to pick him up from daycare at the end of the day, I could hear him shouting a little louder that "My mommy's here!!!" from the other side of the door, only to be a little less diisappointed each time that it was still only me. Fully expecting the tears to flow and the uncontrollable wails to begin, it was reassuring that he was dealing with it all in his own way.

Of course, the screams of excitement when we made the clubhouse turn on Friday afternoon, and Kim's work car was back in its rightful spot in the driveway didn't come close to those that filled the house when he saw her inside!

So tonight's Harry's first night in his twin bed. Luckily (depending on how you look at it), he hadn't napped at all for the whole weekend, and had done quite a bit, so he was exhausted. At this moment, he's been fast asleep in essentially the same spot. It'll be even more interesting to see what happens when he wakes up tomorrow... if he calls us from bed (over the monitor) or comes to the stairs...

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