Monday, October 25, 2004

Harry’s ½ year birthday was the 22nd!
I took the day off to take him in for his checkup, and we got to spend the whole day together.
He is the greatest little boy.
He was very brave to get shots, and then very cuddly afterwards.
Everyone at the doctors office loved his hair (the way it sticks up).

Had lunch with Lisa and Jake afterwards at Faccia Luna. Harry smiled the whole time (to my relief!). The boys looked adorable in their side by side highchairs (Jake will be 2 in December).

Played outside later and literally took 100 pictures.

Harry went with me to packet pick up for the Army Ten Miler on Saturday. Again, very well behaved in the Baby Bjorn. He got to hang out with Tara and Sydney at Starbucks, and then we headed back home to see Pop pop.

After his busy day, he slep 11 hours (7PM-6AM) which seriously helped me to prepare for my first race since Labor Day 2003. I am not ashamed to admit, I cheated. I ran 8 miles. BUT- it was mostly because I did not want to hold people up at the end. I have not run in a long time and am rather slow. None of us trained for this marathon. I did okay and am looking forward to pounding the pavement again. Probably not as many miles though. That C-section scar STUNG like crazy afterwards!

So, now the Harry facts:
Height: 27" (75%! He is catching up to his weight!)
Weight: 20# 4.6oz. (still 95%)
Head: 18"
He is currently wearing 12-18 month clothes.
He is not crawling yet, but can move forward commando style.
He sits up by himself and can sit in a highchair, on the floor and at the little table at the doctors with the chair pushed all the way in.
His current favorite toy is his Leap Frog Block from Linda Reis that plays nursery rhymes when you turn it. He turns it after each song. He also still loves his Baby Einstein Lullabye Classics book and Hey! Wake Up!
New foods include plain soy yogurt and organic, wheat free, dairy free, sugar free (relax, not taste free!) maple syrup biscuits, which he quickly learned can not go in his mouth side ways. He can not feed himself with both hands and seems to prefer the left, but he can make quite a little mess with that cookie, which Bailey is happy to take off of his hands when he is through!

We are very lucky to have such a great little guy in our lives!

1 comment:

Casey's Dad said...

What is slepping?