Friday, January 07, 2005

So it's been a while since my last post, must take something pretty monumental to get me off my lazy butt to type for a few minutes huh?


as of about 5:03 PM EST on January 7, 2005, Harry just pulled himself up and stood COMPLETELY ON HIS OWN that is to say, without holding on to anyone or anything!!!

Of course, we'll have our fair share of non-believers as we didn't catch it on film (not for lack of effort in trying to reproduce it over the next few minutes -- camera in hand), especially with the multitude of photos that are seemingly covering his every move for the last 8+ months, but the best I can do is say that he did it, and the adrenaline is still pumping... At least mine is.

We'll certainly be following up with more updates as the story progresses, hopefully with some legit footage!

Until then, hope everyone had a great holiday and best wishes for the new year!!

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