Monday, January 31, 2005

Dreamer... Nothing but a dreamer

Harry's obviously learning how to dream lately.

Did he say OBVIOUS that he's dreaming? How can that be? How can you tell what's going on inside someone's head, much less someone who hasn't the ability to relay it to you even if they are conscious???

You know how you can get right about to the edge of where you drop off into a nice deep sleep for the night, right about when the Sleep Timer on the TV is about to kick itself off, and you're just waiting for it...

Well Harry keeps getting to that point, but absolutely refuses to go over the edge until utter exhaustion takes over and he can't seem to do anything more about it. He falls asleep on his usual schedule between 7:00 and 7:30 (sometimes earlier depending on how busy his day has been), but right around 8:00 or 8:30 we get into a great cycle of about 45 minute spurts of sleep bookended by the most pitiful moans and cries you can imagine coming from a 9-month old.

I've got to figure that's right around when REM sleep would be warming up, and the picture show is about to begin.

That's got to be a pretty drastic development to suddenly become sidled with...


I mean, at this point, what really would you dream about? Most theories behind dreams revolve somewhere around your brain working through the issues on your mind... That missing song lyric you've been searching for all day... The epiphany of why your friends had been giggling behind you all week... What it really would take to fly... Etc.

But if your entire life so far consists of 9 months of bottles of formula, various poking & prodding by people you'll eventually come to find you're related to (like it or not), and a random needle inserted every so often, what is there really to dream about?

The big red ball in the corner... All the peanut butter sandwiches you could tear apart and drop on the floor... Walking... Who knows?

So here you are, new to this game of life. One of a few things that seems constant so far is sleep. I get to do it ever so often, mostly whenever I deem necessary. But now, when I close my eyes, things keep happening!?!?! At least they seem like they do... I open them back up, and I'm back in this stupid crib. Eyes closed again... Hey there's that big ball... Hey I'm WALKING over to it... Hey I can pick it up... Wow this is great!


dark room... Crib again.

this sucks !!!


And thus the cycle progresses. He falls asleep, only to wake himself again, only making him more frustrated & tired, which makes him want to go to sleep more, which makes him dream a bit more, EYES BACK OPEN! Same dark room with the soft music in the back.


The only thing I can liken it to would be every once in a while when you get a really bad fever or just get really sick, and you can feel your brain frying. Close your eyes, and the mind tricks begin. I remember the last time it happened to me, and I swore my head was going to explode from all of the activity I was getting AFTER having gone to bed?!?!

I feel your pain little man... I feel your pain.

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