Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Lab Rats

Before the masses revolt (aka Meghan McD), I thought I would sit down and provide a status update on our little bug. Basically, the little bug is suffering from a big bug. He is on his fourth antibiotic in just over a month, and his ears are bright red from being pulled on. He has an ear infection, and fluids coming out of both (other) ends. I think this is the sickest he has ever been. We have been told "Tis the season."
I still remember the pain of my own ear infections. Kevin worries that Harry will be a sickly kid, but I think it is too late for that. He already seems so big and strong. And even in the midst of his sick moans (which he does face down on the mattress, butt high up in the air) he still lifts his face up to give us one of his new happy faces: eyes scrunched up and big, toothy grin.
This new grin is just one of the many new things Harry has learned. He is my own little lab rat! Obviously, we all learn how to roll over, sit up, walk, speak...Nearly every single person on the planet does this! But it is just really cool to see him do stuff that we teach him! Like a rat going through a maze!
Recently Kevin remembered how to sign the alphabet. It seemed like a great idea until Harry started practicing in his sleep, waking up all hours of the night to demonstrate. Now, he tries to get me to do it with him. All I can do is shrug and say "I know Bye-bye! Let's do bye-bye!" I feel like a tourist who doesn't speak the language! I am working on it though. I am up to G.
Speaking of not knowing the language...Harry seems to be trying. You know that guy at the office, or at school, who always used to laugh when everyone else did, even though he had no clue what was going on? That's Harry! It's not dorky though. It is really very cute. We were sitting down to dinner the other night, having a conversation, and Kevin and I started to laugh about something. Next thing you know, Harry joined right in. You would have thought it was the funniest story ever...Except he had that slight look of uncertainty, as though he wasn't sure he should laugh or not...But he was having fun so what the hell!
Other new things...He knows how to pet a dog. He no longer grabs at Bailey's eyes, but moves his hand up and down on her back. This is also with a flair of uncertainty: "Are you sure this is the right way to do it? I thought she really liked when I stick my hands in her mouth. Maybe I shoudl just keep doing that. No? Like this you say? Alright..."
So, he's getting it. He really is. Tonight he sat on my lap at the table opening the pages of his big Baby Einstein lullabies book. He looks like such a big kid...And size wise, he is. Kevin was commenting on how he doesn't remember the last time we used the Baby Bjorn. No need really. If we go to a store he can sit in the cart, or he likes to pretend he is walking around. At IKEA he can even play in the little houses they have dispersed around the store (great idea, by the way!). Kevin says he also doesn't seem to fit in the chair with him anymore. He just keeps growing!!!

Oh...and the words are forming! First sounds out of his mouth were "Mum! Mum!Mum!"...no "Dada..."but, I am happyto say, he seems to actually be referring to Kevin and Bailey by name, instead. This Saturday morning after playing in his room for a while, Harry said something that sounded very much like "Ere ah-ah?" He seemed to wait for an answer, and then took off down the hall saying "ah-ah". Bailey met him halfway and he greeted her with"Aiy-eeeey!" After petting Bailey's ears and exclaiming Aiy-ey several times, he was off again looking for Ah-ah. Big smile on his face when he found him! One final "Ah-ah!" and I was convinced. These are Harry's new names for Daddy and Bailey :-)

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