Saturday, February 19, 2005

On Becoming Self-Aware

Have you ever seen that movie on Sci-Fi, where the computers become self aware and take over the planet? Or maybe it was an X-File...anyway, in the dream version of this movie, it is Harrison who becomes self-aware, and takes over the, wait! That's reality!

After Leanne's reccomendation to pick up The Happiest Toddler on the Block, I am more convinced then ever that Harry has hit his latest milestone a little bit early. Really, this one could have waited! The epitamy of charm one moment, tantrum boy the next It helps a little to realize how difficult and frustrating this transition from being a baby to a big kid must be, but it doesn't always stop the willfullness. But I don't know that I want to. Knowing what you want is a good thing, right? But then what if this smiling little boy is not disciplaned enough and grows up to shoot up his school? Is this what our parents had to worry about?

More realistically, I just hope he grows up to be a nice boy. Happy. Well adjusted...the usual.
He still seems very smart so far, and he seems to be learning so much every day. It is...intriguing to see the wheels turning! He plays a lot better with his Playskool Ball Popper now. He doesn't need as much help. In the past, it used to fall over a lot, but now it stays upright, he fetches the balls when they fly away, and he can even distinguish the ball colors ("Harry, get the blue ball. the blue one! Good, boy!").

Even though we learned he still has an ear infection, and spent an hour and a half in the doctors' office, he was still all smiles today. Sadly, I was not. I had a bad sinus headache and could not even see him for much of the day. I hate when anything gets in the way of my designated Harry time! "He walked away but his smile never did..."

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