Thursday, February 17, 2005

Nobody told me there'd be days like these...

Figured my last good post got off with a song lyric, why not have another one tonight... And I think it's still appropriate.

The last few weeks have been quite interesting around the McDermott household in seeing how many of us can get involved in different states of getting sick, being sick, getting better, not being sick anymore, and recovering from the entire "being sick" process, at the same time.

Harry got us off to a rousing start with another ear infection, that then coincided with whatever wacky flu-like-symptoms bug that's having its way with the DC Metro area, consisting of a lovely upper-respiratory issue that then led directly into a nice gastrointestinal infection, before heading on to its next incubator(s).

As you may have noticed from one of Kim's posts further down the page, Harry's finally beyond all of this, and may I say was quite a trooper through it all. However, now we've got some new issues to deal with. His schedule & daily routine got soooooo out of whack with all of this that it's almost like we're starting over (sounds like another song).

He's apparently now decided that he no longer needs to nap during the day, and if so, it's now only for about 30 minutes over the course of the day... Total. For those of you keeping score at home, that's down from an average of about 2 hours per day.

He's also apparently gotten used to the more frequent bottles during normal sleeping hours (he was up every 2 hours for about 4 or 5 days while he was sick), and is trying to keep that going... Not if I can help it.

On top of it all, he's somehow aged himself by about 16-18 months during the whole process. Harry's now exhibiting many of the textbook toddler mannerisms and characteristics... One of which being a penchant for screaming at the top of his little lungs at around 3 AM when the aforementioned sick-time bottle isn't waiting for him.

Now, I can recall counting at least 278 times (a very rough estimate) that I actually said out loud, "...I'm so glad Harry's finally gotten better" but at the same time he seems to have regressed and/or jumped way too far forward.

So now, we get to really be parents!!

Well, we will soon... That is once WE get over the lovely flu-like-symptoms that Harry was so nice to share with everyone else in the house!?!?!

I seem to have gotten through just about all of it except for a lingering hacking cough that has all of my co-workers convinced that I either smoke like the Marlboro Man himself, or perhaps I just am the Marlboro Man (I like to keep them guessing), but Kim is now getting the fun sick stuff.

At least she gets to be sick in Florida...

Yes dear, I know it's worse being sick while you're away... Like being stranded in Hawaii on 9/11... You're still stranded.

But I digress. Back to the little man who isn't nearly as little as he once was. As you may have noticed on the pictures out front, Harry's been practicing walking a lot lately, and you barely even have to lean over to hold his hands. When I carry him upstairs after his bath, all wrapped up in his towel, it barely even covers his feet anymore. Seems like far too long ago that he could get lost in there.

In 5 days, Harry will be 10 months old.

In 65 days, Harry will be 1 Year old

You've got to be kidding me.... Is it all going to go this quickly??

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