Saturday, February 12, 2005

The Sleep Lady and Other Stories

Now that Harry has been sick for so long, he has really picked up some bad habits! Like getting up every two hours. We have been humoring him, giving him bottles, etc...we didn't want him to get dehydrated. But we are beginning to worry he may never sleep again.

The other day I saw The Sleep Lady on The Today Show. Coincidentally, she is from Annapolis! Anyway, some of her stuff seems kind of annoying, but The Baby Whisperer doesn't cover sleep extensively enough. So, I have been reading her newsletters. Hopefully once Harry is well, her advice may help.

ACtually...Kevin just came down from Harry's first sleep break. The advice worked! He sat beside the crib instead of standing over it. To his utter amazement, it worked! Go Sleep Lady!

I think the sleep lady may have also helped me. Check out this link:
Over the past year or so, ever since reviewing Dr. Sears's book on attachment parenting...I got some bad feelings about it. It seemed to run contrary to my plans for Harry, but beyond that I think we encountered some zealots that misinterpreted the book. I became fixated on how different their technique was, and how it seemed to run contrary to my own logic as well as everything I had ever learned in a child development class. I wanted to put "Dr. Sears is a nutcase" stickerss on my car. I am still not a big fan, but perhaps he is not as bad as the folks I have encountered...They are similar to the lady in the link.

I think our parenting style is definitely different from Dr. Sears, but I am comforted by this lady's report that some people just go to extremes. I think now I can start being more open to good friends who follow his techniques.

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