Saturday, February 12, 2005

Status Report

Harry's Health:
  • Less Motrin + Sleeping in Crib = Less Ear Pain?
  • Reasonably Clean Diaper post dinnertime = Diarrhea is Gone?
  • No wheezing = Congestion is out the window!

New Skills:
  • Harry dances! When Toddler Tunes are on, or his Dancing Monkey is moving, he bends his knees along to the beat!
  • Harry knows his name! He has ecognized it for a while, but now he seems to respond when he isn't even focused on it.
  • He recognizes others! Again, he has been familiar with people for a while, but lately, he is just fixated on pictures of friends and relatives. You would think from his reaction that they were suprise guests!
  • Harry holds his bottle! He has been holding his sippy cup for a while, but has not expressed much interest in holding his bottle. Now he has taken on that responsibility- at least part time. Although, this is a mixed blessing since I have read that kids who can hold their own bottles have trouble weening. Hopefully this will not be an issue.
  • Harry can use a spoon! To feed himself! Sure, it is messy, but it's pretty cool to see how coordinator he is.
  • Prior to using the spoon, my little Wiccan displayed significant dexterity the other day when handed his first wand! I was a little worried he might turn us in to chickens! Seriously, just kidding. The wand in questions was a copy of Kevin's fairy princess Halloween costume from 2004 :-)

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