Monday, May 08, 2006

And we're back!

Only 1 week later, but it feels like months since we left for Disney, and even longer since Harry's birthday party.

2 hotel rooms, 3 airline flights (1 transfer), quite a few juice boxes, Uncrustables, and Mickey-shaped Chip 'n' Dale Pretzels, and 1 embarrassingly expensive Sushi dinner later, and we're all still just a bit tired.

Apologies so far for not posting any new photos, will work on that tonight (gobs of them from the last few weeks… pre-birthday visits from the Magoo's, party week, post-party DC-ing, pre-trip, in-transit, vacation, back home, and ex post facto), and that doesn't even include the 2 disposable cameras full from our last day at the Magic Kingdom, as I managed to leave the digicam behind, right on the hotel-room credenza for safe keeping.

An early ride to the Airport on Saturday (thanks to Tara the Chauffeur) gave Harry plenty of time to explore Terminal A at DCA while we digested the aforementioned 'spensive Sushi (bad ordering on my part = big bill for me to pay). Harry loved making airplane noises all over the terminal, and no one else was there to "enjoy" them, so it worked out well.

Thru security and into the plane… Kim's idea of loading the car seat on an old collapsible luggage cart was huge, and getting it into the airplane seat was simple. Harry dozed off after takeoff, and we had a smooth ride to Orlando. Getting bags were a bit of a challenge, as at that point in the evening (10:30PM?) all of the luggage carts had neglected to ride the elevator back up from ground transportation (the nerve!).

As we had decided to forego the rental car for the week (no sense in paying for a car for a week just to drive it to a parking lot and then pay for that), we hoped into a cab, popped the car seat back in and were off. Good idea, as we then also didn't need to pay attention to where we were going!

A bit of a SNAFU with the accommodations, apparently no cribs left in the complex, and found the room we got wasn't even ready when we opened the door (think lots of dirty dishes and unmade beds), but after Kim's best tired-traveler tirade at the front desk, and some help from the bellman, a nice room with a balcony and crib a short time later, we were off to sleep.

Day 1 at Disney to follow.


Kimberly said...

SO glad I didn't have to be the one to write all of that. I am still exhausted.

Kevin McDermott said...

Okay... no new pictures yet, as they are all on Kim's laptop, which is with her in NJ at the moment.

Kimberly said...

Um...I emailed them to you...