Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Crappy movie, but Harry seems to be a big fan of the concept.

All of Kim's swimming lessons and time at the Pool with Lance & Lola have certainly paid off. Over the holiday weekend, Harry spent some time in the baby pool with his new bestest bud "Dom-nic," and proceeded to scare the crap out of everyone with how much he likes to go underwater… eyes and wide open and grinning ear-to-ear, and pop back up with a big belly laugh! He didn't seem to mind, much less notice until well after the fact, how much he feet were getting scraped up on the bottom, but he was having a BLAST!

He also got to spend a day at the beach, where he seemed to be stuck with a surprise hatred for sand and everything about it. Now of course, this immediately got blamed on me. Now granted, other than the obvious effects of sunburn, the only thing I really don't like about the beach is getting sand all over the place (minor huh?), but I can deal with it. Harry wouldn't let his feet touch the ground… even with his shoes still on. Wouldn't walk on it, didn't even really want to be carried over it. I think for the first time ever, I was the one trying to get someone to enjoy the sand… go figure. Eventually we got him to stand barefoot on a beach blanket, but no more budging than that. At that point, Kim swooped him up, and off to the waves they went. I stayed behind, to guard the chairs of course, as I'm not a big fan of Harry in a bad mood.

Whatever she did though, got him into it… coulda been the aforementioned Dom-nic effect, coulda just been the waves, but by the time I ventured down to the water, he was back to his old self again, jumping (yes --- even getting some air) over the water, and running all over the place.

At some point, we'll need to discuss his obvious obsessive tendencies with regards to fishing, golf carts, and Dom-nic, but I need to get some work done.

More to come...

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I have an outline to blog as well that includes teh ups and downs of teh weekend: Harry reciting Good Night Moon, 2 year molars, Dom-nic!, scabby feet, Underwater swimming, suntan lotion in his eyes, Fishing, more Motrin, Golf carts, Sand, "Car Coming!" and Harry's newest decision that he can and must be the one to drive the car- ALL cars!