Sunday, May 14, 2006

Bear Country Jubilee

Taking a break from the Disney recap to explain yet another traumatic moment in Harry's life.
  1. Dropping the ice cream.
  2. 3-D Bug Movie.
  3. Da Bears.

Harry has had an issue with bears lately. I think it is from Dora. A few weeks ago at Great Falls we were looking for bears. Since then, he has become worried about them. It is unfortunate. Also unfortunate is my poker face, or lack there of.

Late this afternoon I was talking to Harry about our upcoming trip to Chicago. He, of course, asked if there were bears. My response was "There are no bears in- uh...(Isn't there a sports team known as the Chicago Bears? Hmmm...I think there is....what do I tell the boy?)". Too late. The boy noticed I was uncertain whether their were bears in Chicago and immediately welled up with tears. I HAVE GOT TO WORK ON THE GAME FACE!!!!

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