Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I thought there'd be more time....

When most other parents of 2 year olds, and some older kids, seem to be blogging about how they can't get their kids to sleep...well, we did that. And now we are beyond it. Now, I feel like we are at what I guess is the 5-8 year old level, where the child gets in bed, etc. but then launches a litany of questions at you. Harry says "nigh nigh" but as the door closes he questions "Mommy?" followed by some very calm and well thought out questions...though I am at a loss as to what most of them are about. They tend to long winded. There is a cute little smile attached. A request for another book, which instead of reading to him I leave in his crib. He reads to Baby. Then he sings. Then he suggests his ears hurt. Then his eyes (Duh! It's an hour past bedtime! My eyes hurt, too!). Then he wants to know if I am working. Then he asks about the pool, and Lance, and pauses to think of some others. And yet, I find it all amazing! This is a conscious process for him. He pulls out all kinds of stuff. Eventually he nods off. Sometimes, if the windows are open, thunder or a motorcycle may wake him. "Too loud!" he will say, but he drifts off again. Before you know it, it is morning. He is standing in his crib with Baby, Snoedel and Blankie all wrapped up (not an easy task). I am rewarded with a "DORA-MIMO!". I'l take it!

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