Monday, June 19, 2006

In a Turtle House

Looks like Kevin beat me to the punch in his blog about our Terp hunt, but I spent my AM hours documenting Harry's life, so I am going to post it! Glad he added all of the cool links I was too lazy to look up though! Oh, and I am up in Boston, where I've been hearing the other side of the Len Bias story. Freaky!

Anyway, here is what I wrote:

At the end of a 95 degree Terp hunt through College Park, followed by a car tour of our old abodes, Harry states the following: Mee Live In Turtle House. As in, I want to live in one olf these college houses. How cute is he? College bound at age 2!

Though yet to donate much to our alma mater, we still somehow receive the Terp alumni magazine. This month (as Kevin already explained) it featured 50 Fear the Turtle statues depicting everything from Kermit the Frog (Kertle) to LAX Terp to a tuxedo clad Testudo. I thought it might be fun to go on a turtle hunt around campus, let Harry run across the mall, up stairs – that sort of thing. Kevin decided that is what he wanted to do for Father’s Day. We had fun. While Harry was initially a little bit worried by the idea of 6 foot statues and has been pre-occupied lately with everything from Swiper to Big Bird eating him, he soon mellowed to the idea and set out chasing them across campus. It helped that they were more like 4 feet tall.

Harry also received a personal tour of Cole Field House, had a photo op by the big floral M, rubbed Testudo’s nose and danced around on the sun dial.
Since it was, indeed, 95 degrees, we didn’t last too long and only captured about 15 of the said turtles. We headed home and hit the pool (after the nudie sprinkler dance, of course).

The pool. One of Harry’s favorite places to be. Of course, he is completely oblivious to the fact that he cannot swim. He slides off the side, jumps in cannonball style, Nestea plunges…He has no fear whatsoever. Luckily, I think he may start swimming soon. Yes, I know he is not 4 but I swam before I was 4 and so do a lot of other kids. Harry likes to put his face in the water. He can even lay flat in the water and lift his head up after a few seconds. I am going to keep at it, and also work on directing his arm motions and leg kicks. He may have been 1 before he walked, and he’s still not reading books on his own (though he does take a few to bed with him) but he is definitely swimming! I just hope nothing traumatizes him during this process. That would SUCK!

I have been busy with work lately so I have been lagging behind other updates. We’ve also been busy with leisure activities. Harry went to Sesame Place last week with Dominic, Isabella, a little boy named Joseph whose mom works with my dad and a whole slew of mini-Deckers. Harry's favorite part of teh day was hanging out with Dominic and his least favorite part was Oscar.
“Big Bird No Eat Me!” was the phrase of the day. It has a range from almost panic to matter-of-fact. Harry was okay with the monsters generally existing, he just didn’t want to be up close and personal. Instead, we hung out in the wave pool and floated on the lazy river, which Harry fully volunteered was "A River."

The weekend before we went to a birthday party at Frying Pan Park for Ashton’s 2nd birthday. He is a friend from The Little Gym. Alana from gym was also there. Harry had fun running with balloons, helping open gifts, and enjoying a big wagon ride where he sat calmly with his hands clasped. He is still very much into transportation. He also liked the piggies on the farm.

Harry also enjoyed his flight to Chicago (flight there, not back!). He hung out with Grandma Patty and enjoyed playing with Grandpa Les’s toy cars. He wheeled a little wooden train all over the house. And he played tag (or something!) with “MEG-GIN!” I was able to see some friends and check out the King Tut exhibit at the Field museum while Harry hit the zoo with family. We met up again by “The Bean” and enjoyed the rest of the weekend together. We waited for Kevin's mom to get her car so we could follow her. When we told Harry we were waiting for her so we could follow her because we didn't know where we were going, he suggested "A Map!"

Oh- and Menike is back! Harry still prefers “No work!” but he is once again in very capable hands…and eating a range of wholesome foods!

P.S. Was on the phone and also watching Failure to Launch when I editted this. It may be chaotic but such is life. Anyway, the movie...looks liek you can be a great parent. So great your kids never leave home. Hmmmm. Something to think about.

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