Friday, June 16, 2006

When we last left Harry...
He was seated on the sofa in his dark green race car pajamas, Snoedel on his lap, Sippy Cup in one hand and his Elmo balloon in the other. Elmo visor on his head. Dora on TV. His only words as I left the house at 5:40 AM this morning, locking the door behind me, were "No window." Nope. No anxiety about my going to work today. I prefer it that way.
-Kim. 6/15/06
P.S. Kevin was upstairs taking a 2 minute shower.

1 comment:

Kevin McDermott said...

Luckily, it's because his separation anxiety has taken over at dropping him off at daycare. Nothing major, he's very excited to walk up the sidewalk and climb the steps, even knocks on the door himself.

But as soon as he's asked to come inside, out pops the lower lip, and feet stand firm.