Thursday, July 27, 2006

What to do...

How do you entertain an active 2 year old in a body cast? Well, he does most of it himself. There's Dora and Joe and Steve (the two latter gentlemen are from Blue's Clues), there is a lot of Play-doh, a pen and his notebook...and his "guys", his entourage (Snoedel, Baby, Blanket), are never far behind.
I do my best to entertain as necessary. There are bike rides, car rides, trips to "the ice cream store" we brought out the rocking moose (think rocking horse) and hopped back on the hippity hop. We chat and sing. Harry sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star now. Harry entertains me with animal sounds. "Cocka-Doo" comes with chicken-like arm movements. There is moo-ing and "Ooooh-Ah!" to imitate monkeys. And naturally, the walrus says "Coo-coo-cho!"
We play catch on the steps. We swing at the park and go for wagon rides when it is not too steaming hot. And we visit Menike and friends to say "Hi."
Some of my friends stop by, we wait for presents in the mail (some of which I ordred at this point, but it's still exciting!), Kevin plays hockey and I have been doing a better job than usual of maintaining my marathon training. Harry "swims" and flies aroudn the room, shouting "up up away!" Still, we really hope the cast comes off in 1 week!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Quoth the little trooper...

"ny broke nmy leg"

Counting down the days... August 3rd is the first potential removal day.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

We would like to sincerely thank everyone who has kept Harry in their thoughts this past week, stopped by to visit, sent distractions for him to play with and called to see how we are all doing. We think it is due to the generousity of our dear friends and family, and Harry's spunky spirit, that this has not been nearly as difficult as you may have imagined. Hopefully the next 8 weeks will fly by as quickly as this one has!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Today in Harry's World...

Harry made it home from the hospital around 2 on Sunday. He is adjusting very well. I think we all are. It has certainly helped to have so many good friends and family fly in to assist, swing by to say hi, and share so many wonderful presents. Harry has lots of Play-doh, Aqua-Doodle pages to color, puzzles, paints and even a laptop from Uncle Bryan & Aunt Anna.
Harry did lots of giggling when Hannah and Ledi stopped by yesterday, he played with Aunt Jenn & Uncle Kris, and he spent the day with Mommy and Grandma Patty "jumping" from the sofa to his green balance ball, going for wagon rides and drumming with his plastic tools from Lance's birthday party (that he missed...Happy Birthday Lance!).
Harry was exhausted at the end of the day yesterday...but not from pain! He hasn't had so much as a Bubble Gum flavored Tylenol since 7 AM on Sunday! He's just been partying too hard!
After a few episodes of Dora today I think we will head over to Menike's to visit friends and get out of the house. Lance & Lola are supposed to visit later, and then Grandmom tomorrow. Aunt Meghan may even come for a visit, once she make sit off the Great Wall!
And so...if you have the urge to say "let us know if there is anything I can do" the answer is YES! You can come visit. Even if it is just for ten minutes. It breaks up the day, just like when you see someone you know for two seconds during marathon! The thrill lasts for miles!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


As some of you already know, Harry broke his leg on Friday and is now in pretty much a body cast.
No. I am not joking.
I got a call on Friday (while in Atlanta!) that he hurt his knee after running into the sofa. Kevin picked him up and took him to his doctor, who sent him downstairs for X-rays, who said he broke his femur and was sent up to Ortho. Ortho shook their heads, apologized and called Children's Hospital in DC.
Kevin held things together and got Harry checked into the ER (through rush hour traffic on a Friday). Harry was pretty calm. I talked to him while at the airport for about half an hour. He said he fell. Possibly slipped.
When I got to Children's at 8PM Harry was waiting for more Xrays. He has a spiral fracture to his femur but no other broken bones and no other scratches or any bruises whatsoever. The doctors said it was very possible he did hit the sofa or maybe jump off of it. His bones are otherwise healthy and it is unlikely that any 2 year would have unhealthy bones.
Harry was checked into the hospital on Friday at midnight and had a cast put on around 1:oo Saturday. The cast is from below his under arms down one leg and to his knee on the other, just to keep everything stable. (There is a small area to diaper him, in case you are wondering.)
He threw up a few times Saturday from the anesthesia but drank orange juice (he was very specific about the type of juice) and soymilk and had a peanut butter sandwich before leaving the hospital in a wagon Sunday at 1:30. Yes, the Britax car seat costs a fortune but guess what? He fit in it with his cast and we didn't have to wait until Monday to come home in an ambulance. He will even be able to go to the OBX in August…not for the beach but for a change of scenery and some company.
He will likely be home for most of the potential 8 weeks he will be in the cast. He is in pretty good spirits and can sit up and play (kind of). The cast is fiberglass and not too heavy. He is positioned so that we can hold him on our hip, actually. When he sleeps on his back his legs are bent up in the air.
It is a big chunk of life for a 2 year old, but the doctors insist he will adjust just fine within 3 days. Most of his problems so far involved the IV being stuck to his hand and the lack of juice allowed post-op. He has yet to ask about the cast. He is sleeping soundly in his bed now and refuses medication, even the chewable Tylenol he loves (bubble gum flavor). He last had morphine at 7 and seems to not have any pain.
So, that's the long of it!
Hopefully it will all be over before we know it!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Out of commission for a while...

For those of you who haven't heard, Harry broke his leg on Friday morning... Femur (big bone - biggest actually) in his left leg. When Last I saw him (ran home to pick up some things for another night's stay in the hospital), he had just come out frlom his anesthesia, and now has a cast from just under the knee of his good leg, across his chest & pelvis, and down his broken leg to the ankle.

We'll be like this for the next 6-8 weeks.

Heading back to Children's hospital in DC now with Pop-po, and grandma Patty is on her way in from Chicago as we speak.

More updates to come I'm sure.

Thanks very much for all of the calls and offers of support... we'll be getting back to everyone shortly!

Friday, July 07, 2006


I think I have figured out why I don’t feel like “a mom” – or at least, why I didn’t. I think the answer is that my life is segmented. When I am with Harry, I am focused on Harry. When I am at work, I am (in theory) focused on work. I take care of chores and personal matters at separate times as well. Harry doesn’t run errands with me. But, now that he is getting older, I find I am better equipped to take him to places like Baja Fresh to pick up Tacos, or to the food store, or on a business trip (to Philly). I think I feel like a mom now. At least, I seem to dress like one. ANd my purse is full of crayons, dinosaurs and pint sized paper money.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


While sitting on the sofa with me and Babynoodleblankie last night during our July 4th BBQ, Harry tells me he's shy. It was all very matter of fact. He had had his full of partying and was now content to hang out on the sofa with his security items and chill. I can't say whether or not he is shy. He is often the center of attention, but he also can take a while to warm up to new things. Regardless, at that point in time, I think his assessment was accurate.
He also decided fireworks are too loud. He tried several times to give it a go and take in the noise, but he thinks he will like them better next year.
Harry knows the difference between fireworks and fireflies. Fireflies are "orange." He wants to start catching them soon.
Harry still wants to drive my car and he also wants to go home. Hmmm. Home seems to be at the beach, and I t hink Dominic is there. That is all of the insight I have at the moment.
Why is it that days "off" tend to be so much more hectic & busier (albeit more productive) than most?

Yesterday's in-week holiday began with continued hacking at the leftovers from Sunday's "micro-burst" storm, with some significant help from Sully's chainsaw. We made relatively quick work of things to get rid of the big stuff, but not without discovering a massive infestation of the biggest carpenter ants I've ever seen, who were none too happy that we were interrupting their morning.

Plenty of sawdust later, and the back patio is back to its own state of normalcy, however with even less shade than before. Harry then helped with the hose & scrub brush to clean off the extra seats for the evening barbeque, and then promptly went down for a 2 hour nap (!?!).

Too hot to even go to the pool, instead we prepped for the evening festivities with some serious Play-Doh and water coloring (rudely interrupted by said water all over the floor instead of remaining neatly in its bowl), and the rest of the afternoon spent on the couch appreciating the merits of conditioned air.

Sure enough, as the first guests arrived, so did another thunderstorm. Good thing we got the yard cleaned up in time… got the chairs hosed off… got the seat-cushions dried in the sun… take your pick. That said, we finally got some serious use out of the front porch, as everyone enjoyed the lightning show and cooler breeze. With a pair of fraternal, curly-haired, Harry-aged twins, and expectant moms nearly outnumbering those not (Jenn woulda put them over the top), a slightly different vibe at the party, but great fun for everyone nonetheless.

Admittedly a late night for Harry, he did very well sharing toys, and refraining from meltdown… Bailey even managed to convert a few new friends to allow her the use of their laps!

We didn't actually make it out for any fireworks, but in retrospect, probably had a better time with everyone without.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Crazy storm blew in out of nowhere at about 6pm last night... Very high winds & horizontal rain.

Lots of limbs down in the neighborhood, inlcuding 2 rather large ones in our backyard, but somehow both missed the house, and everything ele for that matter (including coming about 6 inches shy of the neighbor's jacuzzi!).

No power for about 5 or 6 hours, but all's well now.

No real damage to speak of, and no injuries.

Interestingly enough, Harry was still up, so he got to see the entire thing (save for the limbs actually falling), including me running in the rain to move the cars across the street just in case more of the big tree decided to come down, and even went outside to splash barefoot in the puddles afterwards.

The whole thing lasted only about 30 or 40 minutes, but it was certainly a strange feeling. Usually safe & dry inside your home is THE place to be during a storm, but with the big tree in the back moving in ways that it really ought not to be, we're all very lucky all that came down were 2 pieces.

Happy and safe 4th to everyone...