Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Today in Harry's World...

Harry made it home from the hospital around 2 on Sunday. He is adjusting very well. I think we all are. It has certainly helped to have so many good friends and family fly in to assist, swing by to say hi, and share so many wonderful presents. Harry has lots of Play-doh, Aqua-Doodle pages to color, puzzles, paints and even a laptop from Uncle Bryan & Aunt Anna.
Harry did lots of giggling when Hannah and Ledi stopped by yesterday, he played with Aunt Jenn & Uncle Kris, and he spent the day with Mommy and Grandma Patty "jumping" from the sofa to his green balance ball, going for wagon rides and drumming with his plastic tools from Lance's birthday party (that he missed...Happy Birthday Lance!).
Harry was exhausted at the end of the day yesterday...but not from pain! He hasn't had so much as a Bubble Gum flavored Tylenol since 7 AM on Sunday! He's just been partying too hard!
After a few episodes of Dora today I think we will head over to Menike's to visit friends and get out of the house. Lance & Lola are supposed to visit later, and then Grandmom tomorrow. Aunt Meghan may even come for a visit, once she make sit off the Great Wall!
And so...if you have the urge to say "let us know if there is anything I can do" the answer is YES! You can come visit. Even if it is just for ten minutes. It breaks up the day, just like when you see someone you know for two seconds during marathon! The thrill lasts for miles!


Caitlin Adams said...

A TV show Iz loves, especially when he was laid up with his broken foot, was Kipper (about a little British dog and his friends). You can get a set of 6 episodes (10 minutes each) on DVD. They also show the 10 minute shorts on the Sprout channel (not sure when). It is a sweet, quiet, whimsical show -- Iz is glued to it whenever we put it on, and it has a very low annoying factor. Watching more TV seems like a necessary "evil" when a child is unble to run and play. I certainly emplyed it with Iz.

Kimberly said...

Thanks Morgan. I feel so guilty about leaving the TV on. At least I am not alone! ANd I can only help him ("fly" for so long before my back gives out!