Sunday, July 09, 2006


As some of you already know, Harry broke his leg on Friday and is now in pretty much a body cast.
No. I am not joking.
I got a call on Friday (while in Atlanta!) that he hurt his knee after running into the sofa. Kevin picked him up and took him to his doctor, who sent him downstairs for X-rays, who said he broke his femur and was sent up to Ortho. Ortho shook their heads, apologized and called Children's Hospital in DC.
Kevin held things together and got Harry checked into the ER (through rush hour traffic on a Friday). Harry was pretty calm. I talked to him while at the airport for about half an hour. He said he fell. Possibly slipped.
When I got to Children's at 8PM Harry was waiting for more Xrays. He has a spiral fracture to his femur but no other broken bones and no other scratches or any bruises whatsoever. The doctors said it was very possible he did hit the sofa or maybe jump off of it. His bones are otherwise healthy and it is unlikely that any 2 year would have unhealthy bones.
Harry was checked into the hospital on Friday at midnight and had a cast put on around 1:oo Saturday. The cast is from below his under arms down one leg and to his knee on the other, just to keep everything stable. (There is a small area to diaper him, in case you are wondering.)
He threw up a few times Saturday from the anesthesia but drank orange juice (he was very specific about the type of juice) and soymilk and had a peanut butter sandwich before leaving the hospital in a wagon Sunday at 1:30. Yes, the Britax car seat costs a fortune but guess what? He fit in it with his cast and we didn't have to wait until Monday to come home in an ambulance. He will even be able to go to the OBX in August…not for the beach but for a change of scenery and some company.
He will likely be home for most of the potential 8 weeks he will be in the cast. He is in pretty good spirits and can sit up and play (kind of). The cast is fiberglass and not too heavy. He is positioned so that we can hold him on our hip, actually. When he sleeps on his back his legs are bent up in the air.
It is a big chunk of life for a 2 year old, but the doctors insist he will adjust just fine within 3 days. Most of his problems so far involved the IV being stuck to his hand and the lack of juice allowed post-op. He has yet to ask about the cast. He is sleeping soundly in his bed now and refuses medication, even the chewable Tylenol he loves (bubble gum flavor). He last had morphine at 7 and seems to not have any pain.
So, that's the long of it!
Hopefully it will all be over before we know it!

1 comment:

Caitlin Adams said...

Oh, no! So sorry to hear about Harry. He will heal well (sounds like a simple fracture, right? Though I am no doctor) -- but it must be a tough time. Eight weeks! I know a toddler girl who broke her femur (they say it is difficult to break the femur -- though she did it falling off a ball she was trying to stand on), and, while she had a tough time (much needier, understandably), she learned to move on her own using her arms -- a kind of commando crawl. I'm thinking of you all -- it will passbut will seem like a long time while you are in the midst of it. I'm so sorry!