Monday, July 03, 2006

Crazy storm blew in out of nowhere at about 6pm last night... Very high winds & horizontal rain.

Lots of limbs down in the neighborhood, inlcuding 2 rather large ones in our backyard, but somehow both missed the house, and everything ele for that matter (including coming about 6 inches shy of the neighbor's jacuzzi!).

No power for about 5 or 6 hours, but all's well now.

No real damage to speak of, and no injuries.

Interestingly enough, Harry was still up, so he got to see the entire thing (save for the limbs actually falling), including me running in the rain to move the cars across the street just in case more of the big tree decided to come down, and even went outside to splash barefoot in the puddles afterwards.

The whole thing lasted only about 30 or 40 minutes, but it was certainly a strange feeling. Usually safe & dry inside your home is THE place to be during a storm, but with the big tree in the back moving in ways that it really ought not to be, we're all very lucky all that came down were 2 pieces.

Happy and safe 4th to everyone...

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