Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Day 2 of the Harry's World story.

Kim's in Philly today on what she claims is her last trip before Harry's arrival. My question was, what happens if he shows up while she's on the road? The poor kid would have to live with being born in Philly, or worse JERSEY!?!?!?!

... I can say that. I was born there, as was Kim. Not that you'd really notice though.

Regardless, I feel weird for wanting to rush this part, because everyone's so into "...make sure you do all of the things you want to do now, because you'll never get to again." I think maybe they're just jealous that they haven't done some of the things they have wanted to do. Why? who knows why, but for whatever reason, they just didn't. Now, rather than come up with a good reason, they blame their kids for it.

I don't agree with that perspective. I know plenty of people who did and continue to do LOTS of things with their kids. We plan to do that. We plan to expose them to as much as we can. Isn't that one of the great reasons to have kids? To show them what's out there, what you were shown, and maybe even some things you weren't?

Sounds like a plan to me.

Of course that's another thing that we can apparently kiss good-bye... plans.

"Don't plan on doing anything, because everything can and will change on a moment's notice." Um... we're kinda like that now. I'm really good at feeling like like absolute crap right before we're supposed to head out the door to a party (ask Kim, I'm sure she can think of at LEAST 5 right off the top of her head). Bailey's known for that, she's even passed along a few tricks to her friends (ask Festus Williams about the fake "my leg really hurts" thing).

I'm not trying to sound like I think I know how everything's going to work out, I know I don't. I haven't been able to figure out how anything's going to progress in life for the last 31 years, what would make me think I've had this great epiphany that's going to make it all crystal clear in the coming weeks? That being said, I'm looking forward to this adventure, and seeing where we end up.

Regardless of how it all plays out.

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