Tuesday, June 01, 2004

It’s Kim again.

Just back from Harry’s first trip to the shore. We drove up to Cape May Sunday for a change of scenery, and to visit the Wiley/Decker contingent. The weather was not the best, but it was brisk, and it was nice to see everyone.

Don’t know whether it was the salt air, or the fact that Harry screamed his little head off for two hours each night during “cranky hour” (he was pissed that we forgot his Grateful Dead tunes), but he was going 8 ½ hours at a stretch without eating, and sleeping for 7 ½. I actually think Bailey was more work at Harry’s age than Bailey is. With Harry, we change his diaper, feed him, burp him, and he is back asleep for 3 hours. With Bailey, EVERY 3 hours we had to throw a coat over our pajamas and take her outside. We also had to balance her food so she did not throw up. As for diapers…if we left her in the cage too long…UGH!

I also just picked up some non-digital photos of Harry. They span the course of a month. It is strange to see just how little he was such a short time ago. It is also weird to see his umbilical cord! Now, he seems like such a baby instead of a newborn. He also looks a lot less like a glow worm!

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