Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Harry's 5 months old today.

It feels like it's been that long since my last post, so hat's off to Kim for keeping things going.

To say that she's been "keeping it going" is THE understatement of the year. Thanks to her, Harry has made it through learning how to roll himself over, sprout his first tooth, and has begun a wonderful campaign into the world of solid food (all organic and predominantly homemade I might add).

Kim is the best mom in the world.

It's also blatantly obvious that Harry's going to continue to be the coolest kid in the world...

We're also quite pumped to know that Bryan & Anna are on their way to parenthood as well! Congrats to them both, and we can't wait for everyone to meet!

It has been a very eventful 5 months, plenty of changes in the McDermott household, but there are certainly more to come.

We'll do our best to keep you all included!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Reefer Madness

We are realizing early that as hard as you try to protect your kids from the evils of the world, you can not always be with them. It is important to teach them good moral values, and to learn right from wrong, and then we must trust them to make the best choices.
Yesterday I picked Harry up from "school" and there it was, right out in the open. Just lying there in his bouncy seat. Barney.
We have done our best to keep Barney out of our home. Those lyrics he sings are maddening. MADDENING! Hopefully Harry will realize on his own that this is not the sort of thing we want him involved with. But then we have another dilemma- do we want him to come to us for things, and be comfortable to not hide them, or do we want to make sure certain things stay out of our home?
And what about escalation? If we allow Barney, what is next? That horrid Fischer Price karaoke machine that his cousin Dominic carries with him?
Or that eerie little bunny of Ledi's that keeps "hop, hop, hopping"?
We welcome your comments.

For more information please see

Monday, September 13, 2004

Today Harry was served home-made, organic bananas for breakfast. It took about 4 seconds to make. His pears were organic, too, but from a jar. I think it took me over a minute to get the jar open. There goes the argument for pre-packaged food being a time saver!

As far as the argument for affordability goes, the pears cost $.59 a jar at My Organic Market. Not sure what the bananas actually cost. More than $.59.
He’ll start avocados on Wednesday and those are $1.25 a pop. But well worth it. states the following:

· New Research Shows Avocados Act As Nutrient Booster
· Larger Avocado Serving Recommended For Those With Diabetes
· Avocados: Top-Ranking Fruit Rich In Flavor And Phytochemicals
· Study Reveals Avocados Highest Fruit Source Of Vitamin E
· Incorporating Color to Diet May Add Vitality, Years to Life
· Leading Nutrition Scientists Uncover Additional Benefits of California Avocados
· California Avocados Promote ‘Green Envy’ with Disease-Fighting Phytochemicals and Nutrients
· Phytochemicals Found in Avocados May Help Fight Heart Disease and Cancer
· Avocados Recommended in Latest Diabetes Guidelines
· Lutein In Avocados And Green Vegetables Can Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

Avocados, not just for babies anymore! Check the site for tips on how to store and prepare avocados as well.
One drawback- avocados help with good cholesterol. I read last week that the better your cholesterol, the more mosquitoes love you. Consider yourself warned!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Peek-a-boo! "Where's Harry?---There he is!"

This little game started early on when we were changing Harry's shirts and onesies.
Since we made a game of it, this kid actually likes having clothes pulled over his head!
By the time the shirt comes off, we get to see both dimples.

After I went back to work at PRA 8/17, I had more time to pick Harry up early. With the extra hours gained, I had to find ways to entertain the little guy. He liked to watch his little cloth diapers (or any other blanket) dance around in the air. Soon we would cover his face and Harry would giggle at this peek-a-boo game.

Much to my surprise, when I came home from Krav Maga today (Sunday 9/12) Kevin told me Harry was playing peek-a-boo by himself in his swing. I figured he was just covering his face with his teething blanket. No big deal. But later, I learned this was true- he now initiates "peek-a-boo"! His version is slightly faster than mine, but the game is the same. Harry covers his face and I say "Where's Ha---There he i---Where's Ha---There he---Where's Ha---There he is!" and he giggles as he raises and lowers the cloth. Turns out while he was in his swing he would raise the cloth, then lower it and giggle, then repeat. Kevin was in the kitchen watching him as he entertained himself.

This kid is so fun!

In other news: Pears were started on Thursday. Yum! He gobbles his food down now. May start bananas tomorrow, since I have some good ones. Would prefer avocados or sweet potatoes, but don't want to waste the nice, ripe, organic bananas we have.
New high chair put together. He looks so little in it! But with the mess he is making now, it is much better to use the full size chair. And he is comfy.
Doorway jumper also installed. He doesn't so much jump yet as move in circles and check out the scene---and clean the floor. His little sock was filthy! We may need to increase our Swiffing a bit!

Friday, September 10, 2004

The Sippy Cup.

Harry must have seen these in action. The second the lid closed on his shiny, new, blue and green Gerber sippy cup.gif, Harry grabbed a handle and held the cup to his mouth and began to drink. Ending with a big "Ah!" as though he had just had his first drink after a long race.

He's an old soul. Carl Jung would call it collective unconsciuos. The premise behind a collective unconscious is that we are born with an inherent knowledge gained from those who traveled before us. Perhaps sippy cup ability was not what Jung had in mind, but how else did Harry learn how to do this?

After a water break, we headed outside in the Baby Bjorn to play tag with Bailey- Harry's new favorite thing. When the mood strikes, Bailey runs around like a crazy person, barking and moving in circles. Harry and I chase her, and there is nothing funnier fro him than when Bailey barks. That gets you a big belly laugh! There is nothing funnier for me than when Harry gives you a hoarse little belly laugh, followed up with some giggles.

All of this play was followed up with a new treat: pears! We knew Harry was ready for solids. He can swallow them, he watches us eat our food...alll the stuff he is supposed to do (certainly, he has doubled his birth weight, so that criteria is checked off!). Rice cereal and otameal just were not big hits with him. Honestly, can you blame him? With the introduction of pears to his now less runny cereal, he finished off his whole bowl, this time angry when the spoon was too slow, as opposed to the previous problem of too fast.

They say they grow up fast. Again, harry must have caught wind of this from that whoel collective unconsciuos thing.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I'd like to thank everyone who's been calling, emailing, etc. to ask about the new job. I started at AT&T Government Solutions on Tuesday, and to say the least, it's quite a bit different from my previous endeavors.

For starters, I've gone from what I consider to be one of the smarter, more tech savvy employees of the office, to one more face in the crowd... nature of the beast I guess.

Funny story, one of my college roommates also works in the same building, and even knows my boss... Found that out the Friday before my first day, so it was nice to see a familiar face in the lobby, even though we haven't really seen each other since 1998.

It's been strange going to a new place, meeting all new people, and working on a project that doesn't remotely resemble anything sporting, but I suppose there comes a time when we all have to grow up and, as Ted Leonsis so profoundly noted in one of the last Caps' staff meetings that I attended, "go out and get a real job."

To those of you who remain in the un-real world of sports, just remember... I'll be calling you for comps!

Back to Harry... As this is of course his World.

Talk about development. I swear he's going to be sitting up on his own by this weekend. We've been working on what Kim refers to as "open-leg rockers" where while he's laying on his back, he grabs his feet out in front, and rolls into a seated position (with some help of course). This evening, he decided to practice on his own, but seems not yet to have figured out that he needs to hold on when pushing his feet down.

But he's getting it... Just preparing myself for when I go into his room to check on him, and he's sitting upright.

Can't wait!!!!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Today is Kevin's last day with the Capitals. I know leaving was not an entirely easy decision for him. Hopefully this decision will be for the best. He has met a lot of fascinating people during his stint with Washington Sports and made many wonderful friends. As have I. And even Bailey for that matter! Where would Bailey be without Festus, Kody, Cooper, little Casey... ? I personally have shared many a happy hour, 4th of July BBQ, marathon (2!), Krav Maga Boot camp, baby shower, bridal shower, cab ride, a couple of 25th birthdays for Aidan, BNL concerts, DMB shows, ...and more weddings than we can count on two hands. Our own wedding would not have been as successful without all of the help and support from everyone who has ever "worked for or been fired by" Susan O'Malley. We've gotten to see people's kids grow up, and will hopefully get to see more of that in the future. We look forward to Harry growing up with them. I know we have led richer, fuller lives because of all of these people. The best part is, most of them do not even work there anymore either, yet we are still close.
At the very least, this will allow him more time with Harry. Speaking of Harry, people always ask how he does at daycare...if this guy could talk...or rather, if we knew for sure what he was actually saying, because he certainly has plenty to say, I am sure he would tell us how happy he is there. His face lights up in the morning when he sees Menike. Her husband goes to work at 4 AM so he can come home early and see the kids. When I went to pick Harry up yesterday, he was sitting on the sofa smiling at me. He was happy to see me, but not desperate to leave. The look on his face said he was the life of the party, and I should come sit on the sofa next to him and hang out. We play and cuddle and laugh when he is home. He is a happy kid. And I am glad he is happy at daycare. He loves to watch the other kids and is more happy when everyone is there (up to 4 of them). We are happy he has other people who care about him so much.
So, on that note, things are going well. And I hope they continue to go well for Kevin at his new job!