Friday, September 10, 2004

The Sippy Cup.

Harry must have seen these in action. The second the lid closed on his shiny, new, blue and green Gerber sippy cup.gif, Harry grabbed a handle and held the cup to his mouth and began to drink. Ending with a big "Ah!" as though he had just had his first drink after a long race.

He's an old soul. Carl Jung would call it collective unconsciuos. The premise behind a collective unconscious is that we are born with an inherent knowledge gained from those who traveled before us. Perhaps sippy cup ability was not what Jung had in mind, but how else did Harry learn how to do this?

After a water break, we headed outside in the Baby Bjorn to play tag with Bailey- Harry's new favorite thing. When the mood strikes, Bailey runs around like a crazy person, barking and moving in circles. Harry and I chase her, and there is nothing funnier fro him than when Bailey barks. That gets you a big belly laugh! There is nothing funnier for me than when Harry gives you a hoarse little belly laugh, followed up with some giggles.

All of this play was followed up with a new treat: pears! We knew Harry was ready for solids. He can swallow them, he watches us eat our food...alll the stuff he is supposed to do (certainly, he has doubled his birth weight, so that criteria is checked off!). Rice cereal and otameal just were not big hits with him. Honestly, can you blame him? With the introduction of pears to his now less runny cereal, he finished off his whole bowl, this time angry when the spoon was too slow, as opposed to the previous problem of too fast.

They say they grow up fast. Again, harry must have caught wind of this from that whoel collective unconsciuos thing.

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