Thursday, January 20, 2005

Just the Facts

Harry had his 9 month check up today.
Height: 28 1/2 inches (55%)
Weight: 22# 1.7 oz. (75%)
Head: 18 1/2 (75%)

Looks like his height percentile is slowing down! Is anyone surprised?
I think he also lost about a pound since getting sick over the holidays.
No one at Pediatric Associates mentioned it, but he seems MUCH lighter.
I thought he was 23 something in December...
He pretty much ate half his usualy amount while he was sick, and did not drink a whole lot.
He seems to be doing better though. He is sleeping better again. And Dr. Parente said his ears looked clear and his lungs sounded good. Bye bye nebulizer!
Now the bad news: since he got his first teeth at 4 months, it is very likely his 1 year molars will start coming in soon. Based on how painful the other 8 teeth were, we are not looking forward to this!
We are also allowed to try the scary foods now: peanuts, shellfish, citrus. And he is allowed meat, eggs and dairy. Personally, I think I am more likely to give him a tequila lime shrimp with some thai peanut sauce before I give him a slice of cow cheese or a glass of milk. To explain, I leave you with this seen from Snatch (ironically, Kevin's favorite movie):
Note: Formatted & Edited for Clarity
TURKISH takes a sip of his milk. There's a pause.

It's not the same.


Milk, in these cartons.

You shouldn't drink that stuff any way.

Why, what's wrong with it?

It's not in synch with evolution.

Shut up!

Cows have only been domesticated in the last eight thousand years, before that they were running around mad as lorries. The human digestive system hasn't got used to any dairy products yet, it takes a lot longer than that.

Well fuck me Tommy, what have you been reading?
Cows mad as lorries eh?
You hear about the two cows having a chat in a field? One says to the other, "what do you think about this mad cows' disease then? The other one looks back and says "doesn't bother me, I'm a duck. "

Turkish looks back at him blankly.
Here let me do you a favour.

He reaches over and grabs the carton from Turkish, and throws it out the window. The milk obviously hits an on-coming car in the other direction. There is a terrible crashing noise. Tommy and Turkish come to a standstill, and look back to see a small pile up on the other side of the road.

What was in that milk?

1 comment:

Casey's Dad said...

I am offended by the language contained in this entry. From here on out, I will be boycotting until this filth stops. I have contacted the FCC to have you fined and/or shut down. Regards, Casey's Dad