Monday, April 04, 2005

Oh the times, they are a-changing...

I won't bother mentioning how long it's been since my last post, as I'm sure folks are keeping score, and needless to say, Kim has certainly provided herself with an insurmountable lead.

That said, you may have noticed that one of her more recent posts was a quick note about Harry's 1st birthday being right around the corner.

Let me just repeat that last part because it sounded vaguely important...

Harry's first birthday is right around the corner.

It's been well over a year since we began with this online endeavor. We've run the gamut of apprehension and anxiety to elation and excitement. From sleepless nights to naps on the couch. It's been a year of firsts, and yet they still keep coming, with many more on the way. From the first visit home, to the first rollover (and the second shortly thereafter - not even remotely resembling yours truly). The first doctor's visit, to what seemed like perfect justification for frequent flyer points redemption at the prescription counter.

Harry has gone from the giggly gurgling newborn to a real little kid... Dimples and all. Kim has come full circle from hardcore exercise enthusiast and health nut, to more chocolate than even I could eat, to incredible mom who yet again manages to balance pilates classes, personal fitness training sessions, and enough business trips in a month to make a seasoned jet-setter sleepy, all while still making time for daily daycare pickups, trips to the organic market, and quality playtime. She does an incredible job, and deserves every single belly laugh she gets from the little guy. My own transformation has been from a nervous wreck who dreaded that first e-ticket intinerary that Kim was eventually going to get, to someone who actually enjoys getting to play single dad every now and then. It gives me a certain sense of accomplishment to be able to get him off on his day, and me on mine, without the world imploding. That said, there's nothing I love more than to see the smile on Harry's face when Kim gets home (assuming Bailey's howling for the same reason doesn't make him scream).

For whatever reason, I have only vague recollections of a good deal of my childhood. As many of you would guess, and presumably agree, Kim thinks I'm a freak because of this. I don't know exactly why, only that the specific memories I do have seem rather unrelated and non-particular. Which brings us to the original intention of this site. I really want Harry to be able to look back one day, and realize precisely why he's as wacky as he is (and by wacky I mean thoughtful, insightful, individual, free-thinking etc... All the things that kids are rarely known for being). After Kim writes her book on her perspective of Parenting in the 21st century, and how twisted a sense of reality so many are force-fed when it comes to the subject, Harry can see where it all came from.

Hopefully by then, when he has taken the reins to, he hasn't turned it into something lewd, as many seem to assume is the ONLY reason the internet & websites exist, but has turned it into something useful at least to him, perhaps even to others.

We have such grand visions for our son, and certainly want the best for him, as any parents would. It's extremely reassuring to know that everyone else who has had such a profound interest in him and his goings-on here, want the same thing.

To you all, I think I can speak for all of us when I say thank you for your continued support and well-wishes, and we all are looking forward to even more incredible stories for year 2!

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