Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Why Kevin is the best dad. 350 words.

Based on the date from the itinerary I wrote on the back of, I started this 350 word essay back in early March for a contest titled “Why my husband is the best dad”. I was all set to submit it to one of those parents’ magazines. I LOVE those magazines! Well, I either decided they were not worthy, or I lost the address to submit it to. Nonetheless, Kevin is still the best dad, and the reasons are still worthy of print.

If I could only use one word to explain why my husband is the best dad, it would be: Equality. Kevin and I make every attempt to balance all aspects of child rearing. We believe this is a benefit to ourselves, our relationship, and most of all, our son. We contribute equally to our finances, we both do chores around the house, we spend time with friends, and we discuss all decisions involving our son (thank Zeus for better cell phone rates!)

From the moment I emailed Kevin to tell him the 19 pregnancy tests I took were becoming increasingly positive, he has done more than his fair share to support our choice. He went to doctor visits, researched daycare options and helped register for our baby shower. He baked endless supplies of potato’s, went to 7-11 for hostess cupcakes, and didn’t eat a single piece of sushi in my presence.

At the hospital, he brought his PJs and camped out for 4 days, learning how to diaper, swaddle and feed our little bug even before I did (all while mass emailing baby photos and updating websites!). Oh, and running out to the nurses’ station for ice chips! I was recovering from both a C-section and a back injury, so Kevin would hop out of bed every time Harry cried, even if it was just to hand him to me.

Once home, this support continued, even though he was soon back to work. In the beginning, we would both get up with Harry and keep each other company through those late night and early morning feedings. Soon enough, Kevin decided it made more sense for him to get up with Harry at night, and I would get up with him early morning. I missed the company, but we were both able to get more shut eye this way.

I travel a couple of days each week for work, so Kevin gets to play single dad a lot! He hasn’t complained at all! In fact, I think he grew to become even more protective of Harry. And certainly he became the guru of how to get Harry back to sleep! During my time away though, it’s not all fun and games. I usually work 20 hour days so I can get reports done, and then spend extra time with the little one when I am home. I tried to work in an office (last year, remember? 3 whole weeks!) and I found that I was never home. This job seems to work much better for all of us.

Kevin still plays hockey, and still sees his friends, and I try to do the same. We recognize that it is still important to do things for ourselves. It is usually while Harry is asleep. When Harry is home and awake, I don’t think either one of us are willing to do anything besides hang out with him! We cherish the time we get to spend with the awesomest of little people, and we still enjoy each others company immensely. I couldn’t ask for a better husband. Although Harry seems to butt heads with Kevin about Bailey’s diet, I think he would agree with me that he lucked out in the dad department. He already knows who to go to when he needs a hug…or a new piece of computer equipment! When I am away, I know that Harry is in the most capable of hands. When I am home, we all spend lots of time together, especially on the weekends when Kevin makes waffles- Harry’s favorite!

I try to let Kevin know what a great dad he is at every opportunity. Kevin doesn’t understand why he would behave any other way. He adores Harry, and appreciates all that he is able to do for him. I think he actually finds it empowering.

As if all of this wasn’t enough, after all of his hard work, Kevin found time to present me with a gift for Harry’s birthday: a silver sun pendant (from Tiffany!) to celebrate Harry’s first year. What a guy! And what a great year it has been.

Happy Birthday Harry!

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